
It’s ridiculous.

Congratulations, you just gave him the clout he so desperately craves.

Wow. Fuck this kid.

two hours and 16 minutes

The show is indeed a comfort show because it is comforting. That’s the kind of high-quality analysis I come here for.

Anyway, the show stands out because the contestants genuinely seem to like each other. I’ve watched most of the seasons and don’t recall a single instance of snark, catfighting/puffing up, backbiting,

Bullshit. When Robert Downey Jr and Tom Holland improv entire scenes as Iron Man and Spider-Man, they are considered sooper-geniuses.

This girl does it and she’s mocked by the mediocre.

If their writing sucks, it should be called out.

I feel like there’s hostility being read into some fairly bland, tongue-in-cheek tweets/signs. I suppose “see you on the picket line” is kind of passive-aggressive, but that’s about it. Portraying it as “WGA assholes make delightful young actor a scapegoat for their strike” kind of reveals the writer’s sympathies. 

By that logic, how long or how many unhoused people should they find before determining the ones out of *that* group are the worst off and “rate” those donuts.

Do you give all your extra money to unhoused people? Jesus Christ what a silly thing to try to police.

Wait till you find out that people write for Fox News’ comedy block too.

Last one turned out to be a huge drip.

Knowing that people get paid to write the jokes that appear on Real Time With Bill Maher actually makes me question supporting the WGA.

They're still working out the kinks. 

It’ll probably blow your tiny little mind to learn that we also support other causes, including helping the unhoused. It’s possible to do more than one thing, it turns out!

We’re planning to take some coffee and donuts down to a picket line tomorrow morning. You can find picket schedules and locations here:

I mean, honestly - and I say this as someone who regularly plays 80+ hour RPGs for the characters and story - has anyone ever really bought a Zelda game for the plot?

Who’s ready for another round of, “Nintendo is not your friend and don’t give a !@$% about the ‘exposure’ you give them?”

I have diabetes, i am just hoping for some regular un-sweet fucking tea. I sure iced tea would make a comeback. Restaurants with decent iced tea.

I hate the new fountains that dispense everything out of the one nozzle, you can always taste all the artificial flavors in the regular soda and all of those flavors are disgusting.