
Unions built this country when it built stuff. AND unions will save this country from the shitty “gig economy” BS that’s destroyed the service sector currently. Our economy has matured but there is ZERO reason service sector employees can’t be paid a living wage.


aka “I got mine so fuck everybody else”

I heard Brian Williams does it from a Chinook helicopter while taking fire over the battlefield.

Except he lied just about everything he said about Daphne’s suicide.

Yeah and the 100%+ rise of violence against trans people since Trump was elected is completely unrelated.

Fucking eh, Ryusui!

“We’re entering a territory of sterilization.”

I’m glad this is the top comment because it has all the classic trademarks of a closet bigot:

I hate this defense.

Is it because he claimed to be team TERF? How is that harmful to you or anyone else?

It’s just stand up...

An excuse to express your real homophobic feelings.


Okay, let’s break this down:

Cis women and TERFs are not synonimous (thankfully). TERFs are political activists against trans rights. The comparison you want is if he had stood up there and said “I’m team white supremacist”.

By explicitly calling himself "Team TERF," he allies with anti-trans bigots that want to AND DO inflict not just emotional violence, but PHYSICAL VIOLENCE against people simply trying to live their lives.

“You disagree with him, he disagrees with you.” Except that he supports the absence of civil rights for people that offend him by simply existing.

Yes, actually. Take a look at ANYTHING regarding trans people in Britain, for example. There, it's gotten so bad that it's actually spilled over to violence against "normal" gay people being a normal thing again.

It’s not “sterilization” to say he’s an asshole with a bad, shitty take whose bad, shitty take normalizes a group’s bad, shitty take. He makes excellent points about racial tension. He has funny observational material. What he has spent FAR too much time and effort on is this continued hateful bullshit that is not

There are people who would like to see friends of mine dead and Chappelle has declared he stands with them.