
It’s a Levinson project. It’s his goddamn m.o. on almost everything.

Why are we getting Kotaku Australia/Medium writers on this site?

I’ll help you give him a swirlie.

For a single film it worked out for Marvel. Waititi’s follow up was pretty meh. 

In Nintendo’s defense, they just shadowdropped a shit ton of Game Boy games onto people who have Nintendo Online accounts.

But I want Pikmin 4 information and when that game is available, dangit. I love the Pikmin series of games. 

They did the same with the Paper Mario series. They had a sequel, The Thousand Year Door, that made a far better game in depth of the RPG elements from the original and a very, very engaging story and is still the high watermark of the series, and then in subsequent pivots completely changed the focus of future games.

Dirty water is really all it needs, and I would not trust Splash Mountain not to have particulates of human or other animal fecal matter, especially with how often the ride runs... 

Time moves faster in the Upside Down.

The Beta Test and The Wolf of Snow Hollow are primarily horror comedies.

ARMOR works well as well, but helps your opponent. I wish ARMOR only protected the player’s side of the board. I have screwed over an opponent with it who wanted to do a Carnage kill everyone on his side of the board to boost his characters power once with that card, though.

This. Pretty sure wwe know why Nintendo no longer gives Kotaku screener copies of any of their games if this is the criticism they recieve. 

I don’t think you need to defeat all 8 gym leaders for the classes to unlock. I completed the classes with seven gym leaders defeated. It’s probably somewhere in the six to seven range. And the classes are a slog to do all in a row...

Arceus was actually the one that deviated most from future generations, and even that was full of crying about how it didn’t do enough for fans. There’s so much similarities between Arceus and Scarlet/Violet, it’s hard not to see Arceus as the stepping stone to open world tackle whichever gym you want in any order

My only complaint was the hour to get the game to the open world, no restraints constant hand holding of any Pokemon game. Raids work well. There are ‘mons all over the place to battle/catch, as well as so many items that I don’t think I’ve spent on healing items or Poke Balls since I started playing and have netted

Nickelback will continue to get their nickels back!

She thought that not wearing white meant she would have to give up the nose candy for a day, and so chose black to be in mourning for the drugs that give her and her boyfriend life. 

Guessing Kingdom Battle’s about to be replaced on this list with Sparks of Hope...

it is 100 the kids who are out of touch. Trolli is cheap, but Albanese gummies are damn flavorful and you get what you pay.

It’s not outlandish to imagine a near future in which we aren’t able to walk around and gather things in the store for ourselves: The goods will all sit behind a plexiglass barrier, requiring the assistance of an employee to access them.”

So, like general stores in the early 1900s, where only the employer gathered the