
Dad was a baker of wedding cakes and graduation cakes growing up. Plenty of “baked cake tops” got relegated to the fridge for snacking the rest of the week if he needed a level cake top for a certain tiered wedding cake. 

Give me Paper Mario (the orginal) and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door on my Switch and I’ll be happy. 

They seem to have done something similar with Star Trek movies sometime last year. As a subscriber to their service, I am not complaining. This rivals cable for the number of movies I’ve seen, but the quality of the films has all been markeedly higher, based on my Letterboxd reviews. 

What? Does it make you have to remember one of the biggest hits in his music catalogue that was promoted in a movie targeted towards children and feel all squiggy again? It’s the goddamn right call to get these barbs in.

Live in Iowa. Every day is a constant reminder of the fucking stupidity that flows from the top leader and her corrupt leadership on down. I didn’t vote for her. I didn’t vote for the blonde bimbo former newscaster who was fired from that job and decided to go into politics instead who represents my district. The only

Happens to far too many shows of the 2000s. 

Pick another dead horse to beat at this time. Jesus Fucking Christ, every time a game gets ported to the Switch it’s always “get my smelling salts, because I’m coming down with a case of the vapours thinking of the visual fidelity of this video game on a handheld system!” This site has made it’s views clear on this

The zero sugar versions taste much closer to the originals than the diet iterations, though. Diet Mountain Dew all I taste is the chemicals. Sugar Free Mountain Dew is much closer to the original for me. Being a Type II Diabetic, having variations of their sodas without the sugar has been a Godsend. 

As someone who drinks the zero sugar versions of Baja Blast and their Watermelon flavors, it actually really tastes similar to the sugared versions. 

“Let me listen to my streets” takes on a whole new meaning with this casting.

The “driving under suspension” charge indicates the state already had her car keys.

QAnon needed to be treated like a cancer and eradicated from the internet the second it started getting any traction and social media not doing anything about that proliferation of bullshit has damned us all.

It should have been up for damn Oscars, not competing in television awards, period. It was not made for television. It was going to get a damn theatrical release, but COVID-19 changed those plans. Because it didn’t, we’re left with the Disney full court press for Emmies instead of them wasting their money for Oscars.

Was Succession just out of inclusion for this year’s drama races? That felt very odd not to see in any races this year. The COVID-19 season of television was really bizarre, as are all these nominations.

I still do not get how Hamilton got harangued to the Emmies as opposed to the Oscars.

Booooooooo! I guess the t-shirt I got from my trip there is now a relic. In fairness, their tour wasn’t terribly exciting, but the gift shop was superb, especially the very, very cheap Belly Flops, straight from the source!

So Pleasant Prairie would serve as a warehouse for Jelly Belly and have a Haribo factory?

I thought Whizzo Chocolate Company went under after the piercing incident involving their Spring Surprise when someone sat on a box of chockies on the train. The wounds, the doctors said, got horribly infected because they weren’t able to get all the lark’s vomit out of the wound quick enough.

Pretty sure South Africans (or any non-natural born citizen) can’t run for presidency in the United States. It’s one of only three requirements for the office that the person who holds the position was a natural born citizen and lives in the United States for at least 14 years. Musk being born in South Africa

Pretty sure South Africans (or any non-natural born citizen) can’t run for presidency in the United States. It’s one of only three requirements for the office that the person who holds the position was a natural born citizen and lives in the United States for at least 14 years. Musk being born in South Africa