
Their whole agenda has been literally fucking insane this session. We’re in the midst of a pandemic, where thousands of Iowans could really use assistance from their government. Their priorities this legislative session? Pushing for language to get abortion banned in the state constitution, advancing a voucher system

The Golden Globes are well known as a pay to win award. Throw enough money at the HFPA, your film gets nominated. 

Alyssa Rosenberg’s defense isn’t much better over in the Washington Post. 

To take just what Trump said the day of the rally as the only context you’re weighing the bloated pumpkin calling for violence is asininely stupid, which is the easy description of McCarthy himself.

Yep. I totally deserve to be called out for that, too. Because it’s a shitty view for anyone to have espoused. If someone were to ask me about notable American film directors, Hitchcock wouldn’t have made my top 10, even though I love several of his films. I always think of him as British first and forget he had dual

Alfred Hitchcock was primarily a British citizen, too. If the goal is to praise noteworthy Americans, I think the people on display should have been born in this country...

Those damn Gideons. Always getting Bryan in trouble. #LifeofBryan #alwayslookonthewhitesideoflife /s

Also, this tidbit from the AP story Ishena glossed over -

Felons can’t run for elected office, so she just killed that future plan with her actions.

i was going to say, the internet is forever when you’re someone who dressed like Angeli storming the Capitol. Even accepting a pardon means whenever you apply for a job or meet people in public who Google you, those images are going to be the first thing they see for the forseeable future. Shoot, they might even make

The original $1,200 stimulus passed at the top of the pandemic was never part of the $2,000 and you know that Stephen. Shame on you for trying to make a bad faith argument that it was.
The promise was for $2,000 on these current stimulus payments, which amounts to the missing $1,400. Stop moving the goddamn goalposts,

And that’s the part of the economic stimulus plan that’s already got the most opposition behind it.
Increasing the federal minmum wage to $15 an hour is going to be a non-starter, especially with the amount of inflation that’s going to cause in the market.

Remind him that one more person died in the Capitol storming than died at Benghazi, period, and that we spent upwards of a year and a half if not longer investigating that brouhaha. Expect this shitshow to go on just as long, if not longer.

Shoot, she has two DUI arrests on her record as well as the damage to an AirBNB apartment with a fire extinguisher the same day as the phone brouhaha. There’s plenty more this entitled so and so has gotten away with.

I love this interview just gives the prosecution more ammo to work with in her upcoming case.

They had a two part interview with her. Gayle most likely had half an hour interview with her, and the first part aired Friday. Monday’s show was the next time they had time to air the additional interview. I think King has just handed the prosectuion additional evidence on a silver platter. 

I know it doesn’t help in the immediate, but when you file your tax returns in January, it does ask if you received any stimulus and notes if you should qualify for that original $1,200 stimulus based on 2020's income, and if you didn’t receive it, you should get that on top of any tax return you get this year.

Part of the negotiations for Trump’s signing of the bill included a promise that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act—a law that shields internet companies from liability for what is posted on their websites by them or third parties—“will be reviewed and either be terminated or substantially reformed,” Trump

Pelosi’s trade-off was $600 now for all Americans and nothing else for relief from a Repub controlled Senate, or gamble on possibly getting $2,000 now for everyone and if that fails, get a very good chance at a slim Democratically controlled Senate to force through whatever relief she wants in the next year as