I love that Ashley Hinson’s “Not every one wants health insurance” comment in the middle of a pandemic doomed her campaign against Abby, or at least put the nail in the coffin the plagiarism charges from August had already started.
I love that Ashley Hinson’s “Not every one wants health insurance” comment in the middle of a pandemic doomed her campaign against Abby, or at least put the nail in the coffin the plagiarism charges from August had already started.
I’m more scared of the lame duck Trump and Republicans and the damage they’ll cause between Nov. 4 and inauguration day because this shitstain is not going to peacefully leave the office.
Meg fucking Whitman fails upward, yet again.
Only works if he’s POTUS, though, so he’s protected until roughly January. If I was Vance, I’d be more than happy to wait until January 21 when he’s a regular citizen again and slap all the state charges I can against someone who can no longer have the ability to pardon himself from legal repercussions.
Man, I can’t wait for the steroids to wear off and we all realize how much we should have hoped smarter heads prevailed and executed the 25th Amendment...
I like candidates who follow CDC guidelines, not weakass bitches who don’t wear masks and willingly infect countless people around them.
I don’t trust Grassley or Ernst, period. Both would fuck over the American public in favor of their party.
I don’t trust Grassley or Ernst, period. Both would fuck over the American public in favor of their party.
Happened at my college in the Communication Arts Department all the time. Was infuriating, to say the least. You want to train journalists to have more scrutiny over sources and you can’t even keep the television in the common area to a more moderate, centrist news organization?
Out of an abundance of “Until I’m back at a home destination, the mask doesn’t leave my face.”
In a fucking just world, Loeffler’s campaign would have been buried with her capitalizing on stock sales of medical companies after the hearing on Senate as the insider trading it clearly was. Instead, she is probably going to win her seat she bought and paid for.
Was it not three shot by Rittenhouse?
All that ensures is Pence takes office sooner and wins in a goddamn landslide in the general as the party gets someone who is better at keeping the quiet parts quiet of their racist ass policies. Better Trump be unscathed and lose the election by double digits in popular vote as well as crater Republican strongholds…
He’s still a human being with rights, and had his children in the car. No child should ever have to watch their father, regardless of his past crimes, be shot by police because they were eager to nab him on a warrant. Period.
Please. It’s The Cheesecake Factory that’s high cuisine.
No, it isn’t. What killed Gawker was leaking shit that should’ve been private to a public audience. This teen’s social media settings are currently posting this shit publicly for all to see. She may not be a public figure like her parents, but if she’s posting publicly, it’s fair game.
Kerri Rivera Autism Protocol- Or, as I’ll forever now remark on this pseudo-science cure all, KRAP.
It’s most likely a pay-off to keep his mouth shut against Brian Ferentz, the coaches son, who is also a coach on the team and implicated in this whole fucking mess. Barta needs to fucking go, because most of these decisions have happened under his tenure as well.
Tots and pears.
And that’s a bar Biden could easily clear himself. Yes, Biden has had gaffes on the campaign trail, but to sit there and say that’s a bar Biden can’t cross or have a running mate qualified enough to take over if he were unable to pass said bar, that’s an asinine argument for Trump to be crowing about.