
I believe she was taught in the Davenport school system before returning to teach here again after college. Her attorney is doing no favors trying to throw the Quad City Times under the bus, either. As a teacher with a district that has a morality clause in it’s contract and under investigation for racist shit, she is

I’m going to be laughing uncontrollably when every person he’s went to hold a rally for loses their particular race and the blue wave leaves him and his party hamstrung for the next two years. 

Doubling down on your moronic post is doing you no fucking favors. It was a shitty post, much like this one. Especially when you get to the I’m telling you to vote, and we can see there’s a huge “but” coming because we aren’t even halfway through the article. An editor of any good standing should have told you not to

Fecking worthless reading skills, then, because that’s the exact opposite message you should want running on this site. Privileged whites are choosing not to vote because they don’t want their fee-fees hurt and didn’t get their way last time. Tough shit. That piece is atrocious and you all should feel ashamed it was

Now playing

That’s why you never order the soup...

Yeah, where was the fucking line in the sand he finally crossed that made you all go “Oh noes, not this...” Because by my count, he’s had well over 50 in his career you’ve been okay with before he met with out and out white nationalists in a foreign country on the taxpayers dime, the biggest of which was having a

In one of the counties I lived in that King was Congressman for, we wold routinely have at best 30 percent turnout for any election... That type of apathy is what you’re fighting against in many of the counties on that end of the state. 

The Sioux City Journal has repeatedly endorsed each of King’s challengers as well. They have been unhappy with him as a Congressman for many years. It isn’t changing the minds of the die hards, and you have a lot of die hards in that part of the state.

He’s going for a cheap and easy Ron Burgundy cosplay. “It’s so hot... Milk was a bad choice.”

They can’t do shit about not accepting advertising unless they disallow all political advertising on their network, period. It’s one of the shitty loopholes to campaign advertising on television media. You have to allow a balanced ad buy for both competitors in the same time frame. It’s why you’ll see attack ads from

My money’s on Sinclair Media snatching her up. There’s already one dumb conservative blonde with her own weekly syndicated television show through them, Sharyl Attkisson. I’m sure Megyn Kelly will find enough networks in certain markets willing to gamble on her mix of race-baiting and blind following to the

Eh. CBS This Morning has their own sponsored junk, they’re just better at making it seem more newsworthy sponsored junk, like this awesome book we’re talking about is published by Simon and Schuster, a publishing arm of CBS’s parent company. It helps they have two strong journalists at that desk on any given day. When

That’s not doxxing, though... They’re commenting on social media. Anyone with a Facebook account could easily do this. Doxxing would be giving away their address and phone numbers to the public and basically saying have at them. this is putting a select few people on blast in public for their views they readily posted

Another part of the reason Davenport is under that tight scrutiny, Michael, is efforts made by the district a couple of years ago as well, where they thumbed their nose at the state when it came to how districts can allocate money allowed to them under modified allowable growth. Davenport School Systems hands were

How does that square with McDonald’s removing colors and preservatives from their burgers, because the McRib is a sandwich that exists nowhere in nature.

Grassley should have been put out to pasture years ago. He’s already King George the III levels of fucking crazy, can barely stay awake during the easy photo opportunities he has at events in the afternoon, and has put party over country for more than the past decade. That he is still on the Senate angers me as one of

Apparently, blackface was the bridge too far for NBC. Good to know Black Santa works to make sure all people’s Christmas wishes come true.

And with Disney’s takeover of Fox and Fox’s stake plus Disney’s stake in Hulu, that makes a lot of sense, actually, as it’s akin to a Disney owned property now. 

To point Number 2 - They’ve survived the ax, thus far, mainly because Jessica Jones is currently filming season 3 and Daredevil’s third? season just went to air on Friday of last week. I would not be surprised if within the next month or two we get word Daredevil does not get an order for another season.

Are we ever going to see Annihilation released to United States Netflix?