
These aren't more complex orders... it's just a basic combo meal in a box with a toy instead of a bag.  

I’ve actually been considering switching to Mint, because I don't care for $80-90 a month for a phone I don't use nearly that much.  Now it seems like if I do that, game companies may lock me out of their games.  Great.

Pointless article. This isn’t a twitch shooter, it's a JRPG... It doesn't need 60fps.  Nerds that don't really understand their nonsense are getting in their own way.  

This is exactly why I’m wary of any online only game that can’t function without it. Once they decide to pull the plug, nobody can play it anymore and that’s effing ridiculous.

You really don't understand your own arguments...

There was a live action spider-man TV show in like... the 70's?

I like the you brought up the point with disabled gamers and button remapping.  It was a solid point.

Yeah, I'll pass.  

Yet they charge more for their PC games they port to a console. They won’t lower their prices, they’ll just take home more.

Epic's is just a storefront... And that's part of the issue.  Steam's is more than that and there's a cost associated with those features.   Maybe they could cut a better deal that doesn't hurt their own staff, but as it stands, Epic's setup is undesirable for me to purchase on.  

Toned down my arse...

The literal reason for the Vita failing is the memory card debacle. Look at all these digital releases... cool.. I don’t have any room on the memory cards I have, and I’m not paying the stupid prices for any more of them. Stores stopped carrying new physical Vita games a while ago, nailing that coffin shut.

Well said.

Two reviews... You could find two people that love a movie you hate and vice versa in seconds.

The game is fine and fun, even this mess of an “article” is starting off complaining about an incorrect PC build they’re playing on (so a moot point, but they’re gonna hammer on it).

“Articles" like these are why journalism is on a serious decline.  Thanks internet!

rarest game in Deathmatch... I haven’t been in a single one that wasn’t filled with McCree’s, Hanzo’s, and now Moira’s (used to be Soldier, but he’s still a good 4th).

Everyone else, you’re lucky if you see another character.

And whom do you play in Deathmatch?

With Overwatch the main issue is how the characters are built. Since one can throw an orb halfway across the map that will hit everyone as it bounces around near it... picking off everyone injured and they can heal themselves to boot. Their normal attack auto targets and moves when they move, requiring no aiming as

Except I’ve seen Tracer’s Ult vanish after sticking.