I was wondering why RWM was suddenly all, “No! It was Hillary! She did it! And she was the one who actually sexually harassed Gretchen Carlson!”
I was wondering why RWM was suddenly all, “No! It was Hillary! She did it! And she was the one who actually sexually harassed Gretchen Carlson!”
Please be Mitch McConnell, please be Mitch McConnell, please be Mitch McConnell...
That other sound you hear is beer dropping because there aren’t enough hands to hold them all.
Also, when did white supremacy collectively decide that Asians were OK?
“Also, when did white supremacy collectively decide that Asians were OK?”
About the same time they realized that only animated female characters would tolerate their bullshit.
Every time a white person tells me to go back to Africa, I ask to be sent to Seychelles or Tanzania, since they have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world..but ignorant white ppl wouldn’t know that.
Funny how these asshats forget the loooong history of civilization in Africa.
Affirmative action disproportionately benefits White women, not us. I have yet to meet a single unqualified Black person at work or when I was at my college and I know over a thousand different Black people. I’d believe in leprechauns before I believed that AA actually benefits Black people.
cakes_and_pies, having come across a couple of sentences like this on another post, I’ve come to conclude this is a troll and don’t bother reading any further.
That’s a thought outout reply that has merit. Thanks for the perspective.
We need to have this conversation, but this was badly done. I don’t give a fuck about Nicki Minaj. If anything, she is younger than me and a product of her environment - a fucked up collective mentality that values Black men & boys over Black women & girls AND holds women/girls responsible for holding the illusion of…
There’s some conflicting reports on the expert’s testimony but I chalk it up to those journalists not understanding what she was saying and why. His profile is consistent with a mixture found on the girl’s pajamas but they can’t conclusively say it’s him. They provide a statistic which means it was good enough to,…
Dude, get with the times.
They cover that in middle school nowadays, and on Xbox Live from what I hear.
I can’t support this at all. I mean, isn’t high school where white kids are supposed to learn that there are literally zero repercussions for being racist?
I would really like you to follow up on what punishment the Black young man received versus what “corrective behavior” the White kids received. What no one seems to address is that our (Blacks) actions and comments are “reactionary” or “retaliatory”. Whites - be it cops, Trump, white nationalist or regular folks are…
I thought Minaj said she wasn’t testifying, and that the mom has been bankrolling her son’s bail and law fees (but if Minaj gives her mom money then sorta-kinda same-difference).
As one of my boys said, “some people will ONLY understand a good ass whuppin’”
Fuck the Dutch, If there is one group of people I could go back in time and fuck the hell up it’s them folks
I’m still wondering what the average “I just want to go to Costco and not think too hard” White person is going to do once they are confronted with the fact that they absolutely have to choose a side between the Nazis and Black people. I’m dead ass sure they’ll pick the Nazis, but I’m hoping they surprise us.