
Don’t get it twisted. The NFL definitely does NOT WANT these protests to happen. They are in no way economically expedient for the league - the NFL is facing a massive backlash from racist and overly sensitive/under-informed whites who are either threatened by any show of Black male solidarity or who are of the

I stand corrected - I was taking into account the Slave Trade and not Columbus.

No racist since 1492

All racists are punks by nature. That’s why anonymous letters and Ku Klux Klan wear hoods etc.. They don’t have the guts to talk that racist bs to a 2017 Black person. Lest they get a whupping that even Cheeto Dump Trump can’t save them from

They got a note the day after Holloween telling them to put their decorations away since “this ain’t the hood yo, and nobody gets section 8 here.”


Spring time was the worst, or the best, depending on your view.

they’ve lived an entire life where everything they own has been given to them - they likely don’t even truly understand the concept of theft; those are just things that people haven’t given them yet.

The thing that pisses me off is the fact that they were too much of a coward to actually hand their neighbor that shit. This same thing happened to my married friends when they purchased a house in a predominately whyte area. They got a note the day after Holloween telling them to put their decorations away since

I like how the writer of the threatening note claims that these white women are trying to “rebel” against Trump by employing a black woman. Trump’s feelings will apparently be bruised if he discovers a black woman is walking freely around Ukie Village.

I overwhelmingly agree with the overall tenor of this piece, but I find your distinction between racism and white supremacy a bit puzzling.


When asked by Stephanopoulos whether she had anything she wished to say to the president, Myeshia Johnson flatly declined.

the most damning thing about what you are saying is honestly the silence. I cant tell if he is making the GOP stronger or weaker, or its just that the masses who support him are shouting louder. Either way, in the words of Ron Simmons. “Damn”

as long as people continue to delude themselves into thinking that soldiers are “fighting for our country” rather than for imperial ambitions then there will be no shortage of husbands and fathers coming back in coffins

He is such trash. Worst President Ever and we’re not even a year into his term, yet people still treat him with such awe and admiration, even when he’s going to shelters to toss paper towels at Puerto Ricans or selfies with poor black folks flooded out of their homes in Texas. He’s the worst and yet he still gets

SMDH.. has Trump ever had a “respectful conversation” with any woman, much less a Black woman? Does he have any credibility on this? NO! The thing is, we now have to protect this Sistah both spiritually & materially because TrumPutin’s people in dark places (law enforcement?) will seek to discredit or embarrass her.

Basically, you fuck with people’s symbols at your peril.

You forgot folks who totally would never even consider a military background and overcompensate with an outsized fealty to the military, and people who outright skipped the chance to have a military background because of “bone spurs”

I’m a disabled veteran from the first Gulf War, and have no problem whatsoever with anthem protests. I could do with a LOT less flag-waving in general, truth be told.