
Since the NFL is a legal monopoly, my guess is that if it isn’t in the collective bargaining agreement, the league won’t be able to enforce it.

Good for him for sticking to his principles, but how did he not realize this was a likely consequence of his action?

Like drums and flats, red Kool aid, and dressing vs stuffing, an excuse to fight.

We are real close to deciding on a place to meet up for an honest to gawd fist fight. What is wrong with tartar sauce on catfish?

Down fucking vote!

My guess, more than a drop.

Completely agree with what you said, but never waste more than 3 sentences on idiots.

We really do need to hash out this grits thing. Savory or sweet,I eat them

Sorry, my troll may have slipped out on my response


Brings you out of the greys so I can say No, Nope, Nien.

She will never, never ever, admit her the life she sought and got is complete ass. I’m a big believer that many of society’s ills stem from people not being able to face the truth about themselves.

She’s miserable being a housewife and she wants him to be miserable as well. She’s not afraid to voice her opinion to him, but afraid to admit she doesn’t like her “on paper” perfect life.

When you are twice as good as your peers, you find yourself with extra time on your hands. Related, your comment would imply that since you have time to comment you occupy a much lower position.

Leo’s forever

My only issue with it that they normally look like trash on non-black people.

Every father ever

Red is by definition Cherry. You must be from up North.

And since when is anyone required to have id to walk down the street. Trolls are so dumb.

How do you have the nerve to pop up talking about food related matters again?