There is no batter for a first pitch.
There is no batter for a first pitch.
You are a horse’s ass. The Maryland kick was out of bounds and whistled dead, then the hit. The Minnesota hit was a touchback and whistled dead, then the hit. If either of those occurred during live play, that would be fine. But they did not, so you, sir, can very cordially go fornicate yourself. Both Isiah Davis and…
I was more surprised that the emphasis was not
One of the few people in the W administration I *could possibly* respect, and she has to be the one who speaks Russian.
Never trust a fart after mile 12.
Remember when Obama killed bin Laden the same night as a WHCD? Seth Meyers does.
I am really happy that this is the response from the Muslim community. You might describe their actions as radical.
Since nobody else got the reference, I’ll bite.
Could you condense this to 140 characters? Or an easily digestible Fox News soundbite that may be regurgitated immediately after being viewed? Some people don’t have the attention span to read this.
Followed by
Lay’s potato chips, KFC with utensils, and taco bowls.
Don’t forget that Obama killed Osama the same night as one of his WHCDs.
Don’t forget that this is the guy chosen by the present administration to solve the Israel/Palestine situation. From the picture, it seems his mind has other things that are of greater concern.
This is not ‘nam the election for the President of the United States; this is bowling, there are rules.
“No shit.”
FFS, only the people capable of giving birth should be able to regulate the laws pertaining to giving birth.
Shut up, Wesley.
A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
Trump could actually accomplish something useful during his leisure time; he wouldn’t be the first president to multitask while doing so.