Who? What? Is he supposed to be a religious Jew?
I’m sure that your intentions are not bad but this is a messed up way of looking at the pre-transition life of trans people. It perpetuates our culture’s view of trans people as lying liars. Pre-transition, Jenner was conforming to our cultures norms for gender and romantic relationships. We all do that to some…
Wait, your mom MADE that?
This is SO WEIRD. I used to love her funky look. Never knew she was a con. That’s too bad.
I agree that it’s bad though I don’t know that public shaming is necessary. Anyway, it was just odd to me that she seemed to be getting blamed for this. That “source” just rubbed me the wrong way.
That’s true, for sure. It just seemed like there was were some implicit correlations between addiction and “loose” behavior, hence not being able to maintain a family unit. I dunno. Maybe I read too much into it. Just seemed weird to bring up her childhood stuff since she’s been seemingly well adjusted for a long time…
I didn’t see it from that angle, thanks (having forgotten that he’s in wine).
I want to do that in my classroom, just put an empty bucket by the door and ask all my students to drop their mobiles into it.
That source is really reaching, isn’t it? I get a slut-shamey vibe from it.
You beautiful human you
TBH, I would expect her to do much much worse, just b/c the modeling world is so profoundly fucked up about this stuff. At least she acknowledged that one’s healthiness is “personal” and not determined by some objective universal standard that correlates to weight. That already is a good thing. Now her answer is a…
plus it could be “a hormone problem” (she says quickly)
On the other hand, why even ask her the question? If you want tips on how to date sketchy Russian oligarchs, now that’s another story...
45% is not passing
She tried it
Amazing building
I teach in a college on the East Coast and ALL of my students wear active wear all day every day. I do the same on the weekends, which is why I refuse to live by campus - don’t want them seeing me out of my professor drag.
We live in a culture that is still mostly silent about sexual abuse. The more people like Clark come forward, the more we can draw attention to the prevalence of sexual abuse as well as for the potential for survival, recovery and thriving. Her story IS multilayered. She has chosen to reveal that sexual assault is one…
It stinks of exoticism.