This is what I’d like to see happen. She’s brilliant in the first one, and nails that “superhero but also kind of 007" in the big casino scene just as well as Boseman did. I’m sure it would be a better film with her in the lead.
This is what I’d like to see happen. She’s brilliant in the first one, and nails that “superhero but also kind of 007" in the big casino scene just as well as Boseman did. I’m sure it would be a better film with her in the lead.
This is my biggest issue. Like Halo, L4D has to include a split screen mode. Without it, I’m not really interested. Most of my good memories of L4D are couch co-op.
I really enjoy these games... for $10 when they go on sale 18 months after coming out.
It’s incredibly fun to play (meaning the moment to moment action is snappy and feels good) and the lore/story are interesting.
This is why I’ve put so much time into Hades. One run takes 20-30 minutes typically. I can knock it out after work but before dinner.
Which one has functioning lobbies and steady connections?
They’ve actually mocked it in game. One of the areas for a side mission is an alien nightclub and a dance version of it is playing in there.
Yep! Excellence and going above and beyond are rarely ever rewarded in a monetary way.
This will not hurt the company even slightly. No way in hell will people quit their WoW/Overwatch addictions over it.
Not really. I have gamepass and xbox remote play available on my phone and one of those cool Razor Kishi controllers. Not much use for something so expensive. I guess if you were a really hardcore portable player then maybe, but even then, it’s so much more expensive than a Switch that it won’t make sense for most…
It is 100% this.
The bigger concern, to me anyway, is that this criticism turns to outrage, which hurts the film. If the film that is trying to do representation right and falls a little short doesn’t get people paying to see it because of controversy, what’s that tell Hollywood? Not to make more of these types of movies.
Late Eastwood movies only seem to be popular or talked about when they’re very bad. Whenever he makes something genuinely interesting or good, it gets largely ignored. American Sniper is embarassingly terrible and it was a huge hit. I’ll never understand it.
Same. I enjoy the campaigns for these games, I’ve played the last few multiple times. Hard pass on just multiplayer. Plus, if you’re charging me $70 I expect a complete FPS package. If it’s just multiplayer, and you have a paid battlepass, and paid cosmetics, the game should be FTP.
Also one of the things Andromeda got right was the exploration. For all that games flaws, landing on a a new planet and just driving around to see what’s what was a whole lot of fun. I hope they keep that sort of vibe for the next game.
Just the quality of life improvements (60 fps, better lighting so I can see what’s happening, non-possessed Mako and sniper rifles) go an incredibly long way toward making the game feel more modern. I really like that they didn’t mess with the core of it too much. It’s still Mass Effect, it’s just more playable now.
I got my One X just for the performance boost, and I’m really looking forward to... buying the inevitable God of War 2 bundle whenever that comes out. I really want one, but for games that have yet to come. So I’ll just get one once the game are there.
The subtext is actually meaningless in most of his films. It’s always either half baked or accidental. But his fans always read deep into everything, so it’s a huge problem.
As evidenced by the film itself, you literally cannot. The movie spends so much time pulling focus between things within a shot that most of the movie is actually out of focus.