"If he can't dance vertically, he can't dance horizontally." -My Mom, on how to chose a good sthup partner.
"If he can't dance vertically, he can't dance horizontally." -My Mom, on how to chose a good sthup partner.
I have also watched the deleted scenes and I am still sad they kept out the Bernard scene about the Queen farting.
The town wasn't destroyed for what two people did, it was destroyed for what so many refused to do.
Until they start talking about what is *fundamentally* wrong with both the town and the football program then I don't have much sympathy for these townspeople. I mean, make a gesture by making sure football players are required to GO TO CLASS and then we can talk. Since the same culture of privilege and protection…
Makes me sad to realize that there are probably people out there who believe that having naked children hanging out with a bunch of unrelated naked adults is not a threat but that having fully clothed childten hanging out with a bunch of fully clothed gay people would be a problem.
Anyone who claims that gushing blood once a month is the root of feminine power may need serious help. Girls in underdeveloped areas give up on school when they can't get sanitary supplies and must hide at home during their periods! Some of us suffer from awful conditions like endometriosis! Take a bit wider…