
Stating that comparisons are pointless before listing off comparisons is pretty weird, dude.

Sure. Unless you’re not playing the game on PC.

The developers literal words were: “the girls are fully dependent on men”.

Noone got triggered by the warning. The creator got triggered by people who don’t like lazy characterisation, or prefer games with less or without sexism.

I wouldn’t have bought this for 60 dollars. But it was definately worth it to get the Xbox Game Pass though.

I disagree with the focus of this.
Everyone has the exact same gear options. No one can outlevel you.

But claiming that’s the content is... inaccurate.

So, update: XBOX cross platform is coming. Everyone will be able to play against everyone else, EXCEPT for Playstation and Xbox players.

Which in my opinion, makes the least amount of sense.

From the article:

Hey guess what. I didn’t jump the gun, silly monkey. This is what I wrote: “If Xbox also gets multiplat later? Awesome. If not? Then sony and Epic have both done something I disagree with, and I’ll stop getting their stuff alltogether.” 

Stop hitting yourself.

Also: Yay for crossplay!

Holstering your weapon and shoving your head into a corner doesn’t give better audio than just turning to that corner with your gun out, though.

Really? That’s untrue, Rocket League disproves it.

The current situation is the exact opposite of what it used to be.

“Do you think Sony is going to throw money at something for MAYBE the chance to get a small percentage of something. It doesn’t add up.”

I know there has been a lot of back-and forth about this. And company approaches has changed. Here are some facts, not opinion:

Because Sonys combo of mobile phones and the PS4 will ensure them as the biggest combined Fortnite “shareholder”, getting a piece of every digital purchase on both mobile and playstation.

“This wasnt paid off by Sony, Microsoft only allows Cross play if you use there servers and there accounts”

“. Sony stand to make ZERO dollars from a deal like that. They would only lose money. They do not get a profit of every copy it brings to their platform because there is no sales”

Both the 360 and the original Xbox had games with cross-platform gameplay. They did it before Sony.

You are the person trying to explain racism as a result of being biologically triggered into fear-responses due to enshrouding, all-encompassing absences of light, so please, tell me how you mean it less literally.

That’s a bit of assumption going on. There are groups of humans that work more effectively at different hours of the day, possibly due to being spread out over the world were sunlight “behaves” differently. Some are ‘classified’ as nocturnal, and a lot of being afraid of the dark can easily be argued as depending on