
Good attept at character assassination. Not perfect, but good.

Let me point out the things I disagree with:
“The Xbox One Elite controller, and nearly every controller, has Joysticks that move a fixed point on the screen at a fixed rate. Sure you can increase the sensitivity but then you are unable to move the point

Turned off aim assist immediately, so no dice, but cute bet.
Even if I hadn’t it wouldn’t necessarily say a god damn thing about the aim assist. Different games do aim assist in different ways. Aim assist doesn’t let you turn any faster or shoot through corners either.

What it says, is that I could consistently

Absolutely agree. Having jump on a bumper or the underside of the controller is a major advantage in games like Titanfall. I played Titanfall on a PC with an Xbox controller, and I consistently placed in the top 3 every match.

It doesn’t apply to all games, though.
Microsoft has been pushing it recently, and they have neat stuff like cross-platform co-op play on PC/Xbox One with Gears of War, which is a title that you get for both systems if you buy it on the Windows Store.

Rocket League also has cross-play, and Microsoft has specifically

Online got a DLCwith a story-linethat hasa lot of Lamar in it!

Join us online! Private lobbies, races, co-op missions, andtons ofother stuff to do :)

This was not a joke. If it had been a ‘joke’, he wouldn’t have deleted one of his channel.

He deliberately misconstrued a message and deceived people with his delivery. As such, it wasn’t a joke. It was a ruse.

Guaranteed 1 in 24 legendary skins?
With 23 characters, that’d be an average of 276 boxes to get a legendary skin for a specific character, if you only got one per 24 boxes.

Bit of a grind, innit?

You wanted to know how, 50 years in the future, where they have to a high degree eradicated disease, and where they have handheld laser suture apparatuses, -a rich person could ever get a mole removed?

The Ford who died was the human Ford. It was a real sacrifice. If hed ever turn up in the future, he’d be a host, but not the other way around. That’s what the showrunners said, at least.

I’ve been having a lot of fun engaging in discussioins on reddit after episodes. After going through my post history, I see that originally I was adamantly against the idea, because “Y happens after X”. After poking holes in ideas where people thought William and MiB were the same person, but for what I thought

AC3 easily had the greatest multitude of options for combat of the ACgames I’ve played. I only played 2/3rds of the story and never finished it, but ambushes, combat options, weapon options, and in particular improvising with enemy weapons was a fucking blast.

“And most importantly, the completely optional, non-gameplay effecting cosmetic items, which can be earned simply by playing the game, fund the development of new heroes, maps and modes.”

This is something I’ve seen time and again, and is a point that irks me.

There are two things that I find troublesome with this

That partially makes sense, except for the only games directly mentioned in the articles are all games where loot boxes can be purchased with real money, I think?

Does it? What’s the details on that?

“Is it just me or does this seem ridiculous? It’s not real money, it’s just part of the game!”

No. It’s real money. Companies like Blizzard actively incentivize players to not only use real money for virtual items, but to use money in the HOPE that they’ll get the items they want.

Using real money for a CHANCE that

except that the code he is talking about is visible, and on freeze—framing you can see clearly that she has actions programmed for when she gets to the mainland station.

Maeve took her ferst real, uncoded choice at that moment, mirroring how Dolores took her conscious choice (even though it was incentivized by Ford)

I will not be surprised in the slightest if that scene with Norman and the hag somehow appears in Death Stranding.

It surprised me how much Survival feels like a roguelike with permadeath.
You start out with just a gun, randomized starting points and roaming enemies, and you play until you’re done or dead.

It’s like an intense, movie-length version of a lot of the cool bits of The Division, with extra nice stuff like how drinking

The game is really fun, and the co-op is cool.
I’m glad that the expanded online option is finally here.