Not edgy, or an attempt at being edgy. This, however, seems like an attempt at it.
Also, s/he’s right.
Not edgy, or an attempt at being edgy. This, however, seems like an attempt at it.
Also, s/he’s right.
With the newest drivers and updates to my graphics card, it FINALLY included the same type of feature as on the consoles. Whenever I’m playing a game, I can record the last 30 seconds when stuff like that happens. Praise be.
Exactly. Gnome hunters.
The porn industry seems to have responded better and quicker to this than basically any other industry where similar allegations have come forward. I see that as a very positive thing.
About goddamn fucking time XD
Bulletstorm was gold. Despite neither being open world or having vehicles, it’s very much the same kind of fun as Just Cause.
The opening scene, under water, in Fool’s Gold, with the sinking boat.
Absolute fucking genius.
I’m a Fetlife user, and I experience about the same misogyny on Fetlife that I do on Facebook, only more overtly so (possibly because certain people feel freer to speak their mind because it’s a kink-zone and therefore sexually charged slurs like slut and whore feels like they can be used more)
I’m incredibly sad to…
For many, many years I was dismissive of feminism.
Almost everything I heard about feminists had me file it away in a type of “man-hating” group. When I heard stories about how women were mistreated by men, I felt attacked, and my knee-jerk reaction was always to explain it away or justify it. Not because I thought it…
In Crackdown 3, the city is fully destructible in both single player and multiplayer. But, because it offloads physics calculations to the cloud when the load gets too much for your console, you need to be online to play.
It’s easily explainable.
Rico’s grapple hook has a mass effect distortion field that activates once it hits something. Upon activation it counteracts Rico’s mass, making the tug of the zipline no more forceful than a gust of wind, or a leaf hitting you.
As it reels in, when the reeling mechanism detects that the cable…
No it isn’t.
I could show you, but then I would have to kill you.
(this entire post was a joke, just to use that line) :D
Maybe Skyrim is the future Fallout after someone made self-replicating nanobots that did crazy stuff.
Dina Meyer was all that and then some in that movie.
“I like the interface.”
I like the bible. Liking something isn’t a good excuse for not fixing it’s problems.
Bethesda has done a great job putting numbers and stuff on-screen in a sorta nostalgic way, and the style is really nice. What Kirk argues, and what I agree with, is that the UI could both look good while at the…
Are you trying to say that you can roll your head forwards and look down into your neck without your torso moving?
That sounds like a creepy fallout glitch.
Because the sideways controls of the viewpoint doesn’t exist. You don’t tilt your head to the left and right in video games, you turn your head.
But obviously, turning in the same direction as you would tilt your head makes kinetic sense when translated to the controller.
But you imagine the stick being the back of…
Inverting the x-axis would actually BE logical/natural. Pushing the stick to the left would rotate your head to the right, if the stick came out the back of your head.
But I too think that inverting X is weird.
Yeah, I guess my reason is weird, too. Pushing the stick forward, and leaning forward, are so kinetically similar, that it’s much better for me to have an inverted setup.
It basically makes me feel like I am doing the same action as the character is doing.
I could go really pretentions and call it something like…
Stephen! As an inverted player myself, I have a new trick for you!
It might require you to fiddle with your old games, but on Xbox One, in the console settings, you can not only assign a controller to you, but tell the console if you want inverted controls!
I haven’t tested it yet, out of fear that it’ll invert my…