So... what WAS The Joker’s true name?
So... what WAS The Joker’s true name?
The ending of seaon 3 absolutely destroyed my enjoyment of Sherlock.
Since this isn’t a continuation of that (it seems), I look forward to it.
Dreamcast 4ever.
-Innovating on gamepad controls with analogue triggers, and making a control that actually fit your hand, and an analogue stick that wasn’t smooth and slippery.
-Innovating on motion controls with Sega Bass fishing, and a motion control rod that you could use TO CONTROL MITSURUGI IN FRIGGIN SOUL…
Yesterday, there was a new story mission that popped up. Gave me a questline that ended in me choosing a new legendary weapon with 280 in attack.
I also finished a questline I didn’t know I had, that seemed to give me a warlock-exclusive fusion rifle that gets the same type of elemental damage as my subclass.
I love…
Here’s how the card system works:
You earn points to buy card packs by playing, or you can buy them.
Single-use items, like warthogs and rocket launchers, can only be deployed in the Warzone mode, and only when your entire team has collectively gained enough energy nodes.
The single use items are, single use. One life in…
You do not reset your rank, but from the time you switch, you have to wait a week to switch allegiance.
I Sincerely hope that someone like Microsoft makes him an offer he can’t refuse.
They don’t plan on selling consumables that buff drop rates.
They may be planning on selling consumables that buff XP rates for a while, and.. I’m actually cool with that. As it stands, you can play through the story missions and end up on 40 when they’re completed. That’s pretty fair.
Yeah, they really goofed up. There’s no doubt about it.
However, someone has tried to argue that the article was knowingly a lie, or knowingly misleading, which is what I don’t buy.
“Nope, sorry. The site intentionally published something that they knew was negative. Accusing something of being “formulaic” and “more of the same” in this context is indeed considered negative. Therefore, it was intentional”
Yes. They intentionally published something they knew was negative. I haven’t contended that…
The new dashboard shits on the current dashboard. Get the preview dashboard running, or hold on until November.
Now exp buffs isn’t really bad. It doesn’t take long to level anything in Destiny, but if someone else wants to level their character faster, i don’t care.
I would care if they got gear, though. But.
Last halloween, Bungie dropped a consumable in the game that turned your head into a flaming…
This is making assumptions based on things you do not know. It’s pretty obvious (to me) that the journalist’s opinion would have been highly impacted by what he/she thought was a new game, and then experienced to be literally the same as before.
Why didn’t they know it was the 2nd game in the franchise? Well, they had…
Anticlimactic? Really?
It was a level 41 strike, I thought it was a good way to round off the questline.
Also, do your dictionaries contain pictures? Damn, I feel old XD
The gun quest has to be over. It’s an exotic that you can infuse, and that has a pretty wicked feature. But the “questline” may contain something else, like another weapon or other gear, perhaps?
“But alas. All that hunting was for nothing, really. Turns out the hardest part of the Sleeper Simulant quest was not falling asleep while waiting for those damn Warsats.”
Are you serious? The questline itself was great! Just because thee final part was doing a hard mission, instead of a puzzle so complex that millions…
Excellent point.
But, just to further discussion, couldn’t it be argued that the entire sphere IS the broadside?
One nice feature I’ve experienced in the beta: winning a large scale match gives you a tiny bonus. Tiny. Your EXP and credits gained from the match are massively dependent on what you do and how well you do it. You don’t have to be on the winning team to level up quickly. You can simply do well in matches.
No, but flying boobs kind of are.