Its a different kind of racing. F1 is about car and driver vs. track. Ovals are more about driver vs. driver.
Its a different kind of racing. F1 is about car and driver vs. track. Ovals are more about driver vs. driver.
87 Civic sedan 5M
Waiting for the Cerbera!
I’m pretty sure that the final destination is going to end up being somewhere in the asteroid belt.
I suppose this is probably comparable to a few years spent on urban Detroit roads in terms of wear-and-tear.
They could’ve saved themselves so much drama if they’d announced this during (or instead of) their announcement to get rid of the grid girls.
Are you trying to say “systemic” racism?
I can tell you if you really want to know. You’re halfway there with pointing out Chipotle’s “healthy alternative” branding as part of the problem.
It made scents for men. This was quite clever (and a great way to pull me into sitting through a TV-ad/sponsored post here on Gizmodo). Kudos all the way around, really.
You played this very well, studio@gizmodo.
Counterpoint: It’s cool again.
I’m excited about that. Hopefully competition will force Toyota to up their game.
He sounds like a butt, but these are extremely flimsy stories to justify revoking a professional award.
I hope the stories are more salacious than the ones here, because, “In the 70s he tried to get a girl to get into a hot tub during a board meeting,” and “he codenamed an arcade machine after somebody once” seem like really flimsy arguments for this decision.
Definitely a Mosler.
In that market segment, being able to brag to your buddies about your rad new sports truck is a big part of the sell, and I’m trying to picture that conversation at the bar.
One has a “Raptor,” another a “Lightning,” friend three is bragging about his/her new “Rebel” or Chevy something-something “SS” or “ZR-2.”
Technically, tanks were intended to provide infantry support in a variety of applications while taking (and returning) fire. Tank destroyers are kind of specialist vehicles intended only for killing enemy tanks. They typically had lighter armor, higher speeds and high muzzle velocity guns so they could rove around the…
2.5 minute video gets you the difference between an AFV, a tank, and artillery...
I hate to do this, but that’s actually an M10 tank destroyer, not a tank... :(
On the bright side, you’re now a hop, skip, and a naked jump from Krispy Kreme, so go get a donut for your shame!
That name seems like a deal breaker.
I always enjoy your work, Alanis, but this might be the best sentence you’ve ever put to paper: