
That PR bump is about as metal as it gets.

‘Let’s say it’s from space.’

Go ‘cats!

Interested in the opposite? Never tell her this, but part of the reason my wife is my wife is her unbelievable tolerance with an old Taurus I drove through grad school.

If she could put up with the startup rigmarole every time we went anywhere, she could survive all of my other ridiculousness, too!

Forget it, Jake. It’s Bathurst.

All I know is thank god those F-89s weren’t carrying Genies. From the sounds of it, they would’ve rippled them off, too!

I used to haul pallets of sod with a tandem axle. They were always a handful, but on one of my first trips they loaded two pallets at the absolute back of the trailer.

I strongly suspect that race is not the primary difference here.

Is he selling these off to pay for the 935 he picked up a few weeks ago?

Can’t lie... I will watch this...

At least it’s not another fucking sequel or reboot...

My heart is warmed by this generous gift. My heart is frozen at the thought of him driving it...

Based on the final score, it seems that Alabama went Marsellus Wallace on Ole Miss after getting fucked like this.

Colin Chapman likes what he sees.

At what point do we begin to wonder if Niantic is just dishing licensed vaporware?

The game (as it exists) has basically none of the features promised in the trailers, and as time progresses they’re not fixing or adding any content, just further breaking and removing the few features they were able to deliver in the

I like chasing pokemons all over fucking creation only to have them disappear when they finally get into the closest spot. It’s super fun!

On the bright side, the foundation has now been laid for a show I definitely would watch. “Grand Tour or Die Tryin’” featuring 50 Cent and Joey Tribiani on some sort of insane, vehicular world tour.

Just like the car with Lucas electrics...

“We don’t know exactly which model of Corvette this was, so we’re not sure if the kids were in a real, enclosed trunk, or if they were just under the rear glass behind the front seats”