
I’m not sure how much to restore back to original condition, however, these look to be swapping at least at twice asking price when looking factory.

According to the woman in the unmarked car who pulled him over because she got her feelings hurt when she couldn’t successfully block him from merging into traffic from an on-ramp.

Exactly! It looks like abuse of power to me. He cut her off; she revenges. It should be clear from the moment when they arrested him despite blowing 0% BAC.

Exactly. I don’t care if he was under the influence of having a bad day. He should still be on the hook for driving like an idiot, whatever was in his system.

He was driving erratically, instead of giving him a ticket for that they make this up?

Have you tried CBD oil? Too bad the DEA just scheduled it (even though the FDA should really be the ones regulating it) but you can still easily get it and I have heard it does wonders for people with epilepsy without any of the “highness” of weed.

Fuck you! Elton John is fine.

So who is making money off Trumps tweets?


  • This is a NP slam dunk.

Professional gamer: Makes more money than us doing what he loves... stop shitting.

I love the Mustang, but man these “accidents” really make it difficult to ever want one.

I’ve got green poops just thinking about all that black food coloring.

To be fair, the country didn’t want either of the nominated candidates. They just had to choose between two lying craven idiots and the flying toupe looked less corrupt than the same old same old.

Nah, 93 Bonneville, forest green with gold accents.

ahh there it is.

I’m saying you can’t assume anything and changing the rules after the result to make a point is dumb. Almost every single person thought that Trump had absolutely no chance of becoming president, but here we are.

This is so dumb. We have an electoral college, so candidates campaign around that. If it was a popular vote the campaign trail would look dramatically different. So, we have no idea who would have won a popular vote, if that’s what mattered.