
SHS’s eye just rolled that last 23 degrees into oblivion trying to figure out what the fuck to say at the podium tomorrow.

So, Trump is going to tweet in a few hours that Giuliani has never been his lawyer and he barely knows him, amirite?

I feel like every Mazda exterior designer is required to stare at an FD RX7 for at least 2 hours a day while a calm voice says over a speaker “don’t screw this up.”

The next Avengers movie.

More proof that Kanye was right. Today, sad white men are choosing to be owned.

But still he persisted.

Don’t go hungry, go Hungary!

Fuckin Thanos.

“We have Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman in the same movie....but a movie with a giant ant playing drums is still going to make more money than Justice League. What did we do wrong?” cried many Warner Brother executives.

Yeah, but you know Reed would be totally down with the New Math.

Last week I bought Avengers bananas. Even I thought that was a bit much. With this success, guess we can look forward to more Disney baranded produce in the future.

Sex is one thing. Abortion is another.

Does Ford Fusion that mofo mean you will leak all over his clutch?

And so the final chapter of the Ahsoka Trilogy begins...

This strikes me as a choice that Ford may find regrettable when gas prices climb back up. But I’d assume that Ford has put much more thought into this decision than I have.

This man harbors dreams of shooting an assailant who’s trying to kill him. But jokes on him, you can’t shoot cholesterol.

Stop! Stop it! Shut up! Don’t you dare air-cooled 911 my 240z dreams.

[NRA] help[s] America’s young people enjoy outdoor recreational activities. These activities enable them to appreciate America and enjoy our natural resources with wholesome and healthy outdoor recreational and educational programs.

They have declined to continue helping America’s young people enjoy outdoor recreational activities.