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Merry Christmas Jalopnik. Let’s do some burnouts!

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Exploding Pintos everywhere even in WWII. :D

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Tell that to Clarkson about steering the car.

100% poop on your pants and lucky.

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Drive a Dodge Challenger from Denver to San Francisco as my own Christmas Eve Adventure.

Wouldn’t want to waste the 4600 dollars for it.

a bulldozer, car compactor or a tank will crush the Skoda right quick.

Subaru SVX. Double pane windows.

I’m still skeptical as it is. Sorry man, when Clarkson got canned earlier this year, I totally left Top Gear altogether.

Aston Martin should have stuck with the original P1 motor for the AMR-One instead of that crap motor that didn’t last one hour.

Allard Racing Program. Came too late in the Group C class when the category was waning back in the early 90s.

To Nissan Ghosn and others.

lola aston martin p1 is my favorite

🖕Here’s to you frogger.

Nissan Execs=total dickheads. 🖕

Breakaway Series anyone?

And this dad lets his kid drive? Nice way to have your brand new car get trashed like that. Kid is lucky to be alive not to drive off the cliff.