
Nah, it has perhaps too many reused plot points but it feels like a very different movie and its new characters are very distinct. They also subvert many tropes that people expect from the series (such as Kylo Ren’s inner conflict mirroring but being sort of an inverse of other past characters)

Doubtful. The tracking solutions on both the Oculus and the Vive are way more advanced than what the PS Eye camera can offer.

I don’t remember where I found this, but it’s one of my rotating backgrounds for my computer, and I feel it should be one of yours too.

Nice. But it doesn’t beat this...

“Why am I drippings with goo?”

Apple and Google have “walled gardens” on their mobile platforms. Valve, EA and Ubisoft all have their own stores for their games on PC. The PlayStation 4, WiiU and XB1 have stores. But if MS decides to create a store on PC, the pitchforks and torches come out. I will never understand this.

“But Epic has prided itself on providing software directly to customers...”

And yet neither the new Unreal Tournament, Paragon or Shadow Complex are available on any platform other than the Epic Games Launcher on PC.

It sounds like you may have given up too easily, that could just be a matter of grabbing the latest Win10 wireless driver from the card manufacturer’s website. At any rate, it’s far from impossible to like Win10.

Seems like you’re overreacting. Remedy is trying something new, and this is a solution to a problem they encountered. Why’re you turning it into a completely separate DRM issue?

So they want users to do their community management and moderation for them, huh?

honestly windows 10 store isnt great but its not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, if this is the only way I can play Gears UE on PC or Forza 6 then hell yeah Ill buy it there

Well, that blows, but it happens. I’m not too broken up since these things don’t happen much for Xbox Live. Its not like the service has ever been down for 2 months straight or anything.

Doesn’t the Q in QA stand for Quality?

That’s really kind of unfortunate as the only thing that would bring me back to GTA V is single player content. Then again, I don’t appear to be their target market any more.

It's actually from a very reputable retailer (Adorama), just hosted on eBay. Many stores, including Best Buy and Target, use the same tactic. It's just another sales channel for them.

It's actually from a very reputable retailer (Adorama), just hosted on eBay. Many stores, including Best Buy and

We have our own version of Jesus. He’s a goat.