
Uhh, it's not two separate companies, it's the same company.

Hmm, so how's Sony doing with the 2 billion dollar loss they announced earlier this week?

That's hilarious. Every Android user have been using each one of those features for years, and Google did it right the first time. :)

Wow, butthurt alert activated.

Apple isn't doing anything new with these features though. They're not more polished than Google's offerings and they're not integrated more carefully.

You're a fool if you believe Apple. They're just trying to sell more iPhone's.

That's a satire website.

Those are the kinds of shoes you would get beat up in school for wearing.

You're not fooling anyone, you know.

What does this have to do with their DRM plans at all?

Sony must suck too, since they haven't even sold a million PS4's in Japan yet.

Is that why Sony hasn't sold a million PS4's in Japan yet?

Don't forget, DLNA is also a major part of the October Update! :D

Keep up the good fight, console warrior! For without people like you, the Internet would be a much happier place. Good job. *thumb up!*

Way TL;DR.

There's only one person playing console war and exhibiting fanboy behavior here, and it's not us. Let me give you a hint about who it is. And I quote:

Wow, KIREEK and I really made you defensive. This Xbox One + free game sale really seems to be affecting you in a personal way.

You must have forgotten Sony was the first to moneyhat Tomb Raider away from Sega back in the Playstation 1 era. Or maybe you're too young to remember.

I think you mean fanboys have such short memories.

You are aware that Sony was the first to moneyhat Tomb Raider away from Sega back in the Playstation 1 era, right? So why is it okay for Sony to do it but not okay for Microsoft to do it?