Jalopnik.com has been gradually, interestingly, revealing itself as a multi-faceted, even poly-glottal journalistic medium.
Jalopnik.com has been gradually, interestingly, revealing itself as a multi-faceted, even poly-glottal journalistic medium.
But, as a '64 music-release (Billboard #5), it was probably the Generation-III 'Bird that inspired the Beach Boys.
" .... till her daddy takes the T-Bird away .... "
Still having "fun, fun fun...."
Amelia? That you?
Saint-Exupery was indeed a pilot, and wrote quite few volumes on his experience.
Meantime, as the woolly mammoths begin to thaw in Antarctica ...
Now, let's add to the Jalopnik Academy Award QOTD —
+1 !
Use a Camaro to catch a Camaro.
The 1945-ish, square-wheeled, generic green convertible, piloted by the Evil Superman of Bizaro World.
Studie Lark called —
So, here's the Continental spare ?
'64 Valiant called —
1966 Camaro on 14-inch steel wheels with "full wheel covers."
< "Leave it to Beaver's" Whitey doesn't even drive
Charlie Chan not approve.
Better for Ferrari to use a pizza as a logo —
Another Amos was famous way before the cookie guy ...