Gird Your Lions

"but you can't just insert things because everyone wants to see them"

Ehhhh I think other lady is just a manipulative ass-kisser. Her whole relationship with Cersei is based on wanting to climb up the social ladder.

Heeeeyyyyyy 5-8 shoutout!

I give them my hands when asked, but keep my head raised and look as bewildered as possible

Yes, exactly! But many, many people just see the movie version with Leo DiCaprio and think, "Wow, that's SO ROMANTIC! Love at first sight! *sigh* Someday I wish to have a whirlwind romance with Leo where we love each other so much we kill ourselves!"

YES. So much.

Also, the major irony of this quote is usually lost on those getting it. Shakespeare was trying to show that Polonius was a self-serving dickwad. Pretty hilarious stuff.

That gif is glorious.

Singing + talking = stalking!

Some men don't have anyonethey can count on, not even in their own family. Now imagine how the hashtag makesthem feel.

Someone can be held at knifepoint by an acquaintance. Yes there are sentencing differences depending on the level of violence, but that violence isn't necessarily determined by whether or not the victim knew the perpetrator. Dawkins was specifically talking about strangers vs. dates.

I volunteer to be the New Face of Atheism. I'm cute and fun! Also, generally not an asshole.

The law doesn't treat date rape and stranger rape differently. Society does.

Maybe if he'd used a Master Ball she wouldn't have gotten away...

Watermelon vodka is truly the worst kind of vodka.


LOL sexy mancala

Wait...so I have to have a candid, non-mirror photo, but it can't be on a vacation, or doing an activity?

Oh my god, you found a picture of my ex. He gained some weight and wears glasses now, apparently.

No, if it had been a teenage white girl, he would have invited her in, called an ambulance, let her call her parents, and probably offered her some goddamn hot cocoa. There wouldn't have been a murder.