Specialist in Failue

1. Fuck you 2. You are lactose intolerant and should stop eating dairy 3. See point 1


This should fix everything right up as the Carolinas historically react so well to ultimatums from outsiders.

I’d criticize school staff for not seeing through the ruse, but in all fairness, nobody’s ever met a 30-year-old from South Sudan.

Miller’s response was much better than that of the Tennessee mother who, on seeing the picture, claimed Newton got her wet.

Might be one of the worst comments in the history of Deadspin.

Some asshole stole Bartolo Colon’s belt and is showing it off in the background.

It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.

This guy thinks he’s the smartest person in the room and makes sure everyone knows it.

I read this in full. Hinkie is brilliant in exactly the way certain anti-social failures usually are: he understands intellectually how the world works, except he can’t connect his analysis to any kind of human feelings. I picture him as a young college undergrad 20 years ago writing meticulously researched papers on

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that a technobabbling drone produced half a dozen pages of Gladwellian quotes of someone else’s bullshit without any real point or purpose before getting to something that vaguely resembles substance. But the kicker here is basically that there was never actually any plan besides

“12 and a half pages? How long did that take, like three years?”

Definitely. I always tell people to not leave the big cities because it’s like a different world. I mean, in Carborro there is an openly gay mayor. Carborro is in the same county as a town that basically forced an elementary school teacher to resign for reading a book like “Heather Has Two Mommies.” This county also

I think the only thing holding them back is that it unfairly punishes Charlotte—I think they will go ahead on the threat, but there’s a good chance the Democrats will win the governor’s race, especially if Trump leads the GOP ticket. The Dem candidate is actually the state’s current Attorney General and refuses to

Paypal just pulled out a multimillion dollar facility with 400 jobs that were planned. Personally I am thrilled it;s gotten insane, because since this state turned red the legislature has passed insane laws, such as outlawing sea-level data and trying to pass a law claiming immunity from the U.S. Constitution. This is

My ex had never been to a baseball game and wasn’t really into it, but I love baseball, so I was like “let’s go to a game! you’ll love it! It’s not boring or stupid!”

I’m going to need you cc info, mothers maiden name, and your social security number. I’ll contact you once it’s all set up.

Oh, well if he’s immortal, I guess it’s not that big a deal.

I’m more annoyed when bicyclists do it, because what usually happens is:

To be clear since we’re talking about how others percieve you as a rider my point is that many drivers will percieve this as cutting the line. I think the same people find it equally madening when a cyclist filters to the front, pauses and then runs the red light (a common occurrence especially in cities) thus