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Paskewich claims that request triggered a series of conference calls with HR, including Health Rosenthal, senior manager of employee relations, and Donna Hricisko, director of human relations, in which Paskewich told them of her objections.
Good thing he had a gun.
Did? There are places where it's still being done!
Actually, there's very little research on intimate partner violence within LGBTQ relationships, but much of the better research on it suggests that rates of violence within same-sex relationships are roughly the same as rates within heterosexual relationships. If lesbians are beating each other up at the same rates…
How do we know to rage against the dying of the light if we don't know what dying is?
Racists who live in the counties immediately surrounding Milwaukee.
As I walk through the shadow of the valley of breast
I mean, it's only 3 times what you guys paid for barely photoshopped images of Lena Dunham.