I still have yet to find a real, live person that will cop to liking Franzen.
I still have yet to find a real, live person that will cop to liking Franzen.
Eh. That pretty clearly screams an automation error - a lot of stores have centralized purchasing, and there’s no employee discretion as to how stuff gets priced initially. Target almost certainly bought more of the Scooter Sports, giving a lower cost per unit (bulk purchases) than the smaller order of Scooter…
You’re saying we shouldn’t use a technology that could do a lot of good (bringing back species from the brink of extinction) because someone COULD do something bad (create more dogs that shouldn’t be reproducing in the first place). You could make the same argument for genetic testing on infants, no? Sure, it could…
You must have missed the part about it working for all canids.
Fuck those Ethiopian wolves! There’s already 400 of them, they can go extinct, am I right?
Langley is an unusual bright star in the deep dark abyss that is the condition of women—let alone truly powerful women—in Hollywood.
Also, Google results, most of which are about the divorce.
“Jezebel is a fart cannon”, has 156,000 results.
I’m pretty sure none of this is a thing.
Also, “Judnick” sounds like an off-brand Soviet satellite.
ETA: Added to other post
The funny thing is that the whole “children are invincible” thing came from Morrowind.
“But Morrowind didn’t have children!” you exclaim. Correct, BASE Morrowind dind’t have children. But the modding community was really, really dedicated, and so in one of the attempts to make the cities busier (with randomly…
I didn’t realize that Wiki’s main illustration uses the religious version. That explains it. Jesus christ.
Isn’t that a Jain swastika? Why would a racist be misinformed enough to have the direction reversed, but include the centerpoints between the arms, and the tails on each arm? What the shit?
That actually specifies that Peter Parker must be white, but as there have been multiple characters that have taken up the mantle of “Spider-Man”, including Miles Morales, there’s no such restriction on Spider-Man.
Still, the case in the article is closer to Peter Parker anyway, as Dr. King wasn’t exactly a persona…
“Go back there please, and stand next to the man you’re emasculating tonight.”
I’m not crazy and there’s two moons in the beginning shot, right? Does this take place in Tamriel?
I personally don’t see a problem with it, and the Go variant of Starfire is pretty tame. But surely you can see that people would probably throw a shitfit about the exposed stomach on a five-year-old? It’s stupid, but it sure as hell would happen. It already HAS happened.
Obviously, it sucks that your awesome daughter can’t get a store-bought costume of her favorite hero - all of us should be able to do so. Buuuuut... Starfire, for whatever reason, is almost always scantily-clad. I think it’s fairly likely that the company balanced the not-having-a-female-hero-costume against…
The formula is tried and true, but the article is using the numbers wrong - the 151k number includes cost of incarceration and lost productivity of the offender.
Spoiler alert: They’re intentionally gumming up the statistics to make that number a lot bigger than what it probably is. The 151k number includes victimization cost (determined by “Victim costs included tangible costs, intangible costs, and risk of death (where applicable)“, which is sort of nebulous), but also…
I like the mental imagery of a scale-bedecked knight bludgeoning another knight with a butthole on a stick.
Oh, absolutely, on both fronts. But a huge caveat about things that are illegal but ethical doesn’t make my post all nice and neat, and we can’t be having that.