
The parachute doesn't deploy while he's supersonic. He will slow to normal skydiving speed before the parachute deploys.

Well, actually, it's called "Red Bull Stratos" and they talk about going to the "edge" of space. So, I don't know, they are pushing it a bit, but they aren't really saying "Space Jump." The media is though...

Physics always are more complicated. But when someone confuses mass and weight, you don't really need to get into the details of the mass of air you are pushing impacting the mass of the car-system. That's taken into account with the drag coefficient.

The downforce increases downward force, but does NOT increase mass. The car still acts like a car that has a mass equal to that of a 2,400 lb car, but it's pressing down with more force (which affects suspension tuning, since downforce doesn't happen until high speeds).

Wasn't the Model E actually already announced? Which made their lineup consist of the S the E and the X?

Ford made a road legal formula car... can I buy it? That would be some insane press if they came out with that. I should pass all the crash tests, I mean, it's a freaking carbon fiber racing tub. /dream

But I think that's the problem. This is the "Jalopnik" score. In the Jalopnik score, a minivan should never be scored well, even if it's good "for a minivan." In that sense, these weird luxury cross-over SUV "sports" vehicles should never get a good score... because they go against so much of what "Jalopnik" is

Why does a car that gets over 7 seconds in 0-60 get a 7 in acceleration?

Agree. They should have slapped a 0 on every category for ruining Porsche's brand.

If I was the pilot I'd be pissed. Why is it whenever someone does something amazing, it's God? But whenever someone does something awful... it's totally their fault.

The rockets should be attached directly to the hubs, like the old Chaparral wings were. One rocket on each wheel. That way, the force of the rocket does not go through the shocks and require bat-shit-insanely stiff springs, it just makes the wheels press down harder. How sick would a car with rockets firing up out

Guys, you might want to update your "best phone camera" one... (nokia pureview, if you can't tell)

"By the time the problem was raised TomTom had already produced 54,000 satnavs, which were being delivered to shops. The corporation has now struck a deal allowing TomTom to sell the products, at £189 each, but will donate its share of the proceeds to Children In Need. It has also banned TomTom from making any more."

Are you kidding? This gets a better rating than the Focus? Than the Veloster? It's only 4 behind the Subieyota? And this system is supposed to be for enthusiasts? This is why number systems make no sense. The average Jalopnik reader is a tiny-sports-car-and-ekranoplan-lover not an oversized/overheavy SUV lover.

You know what? Call me crazy, but I think this is the direction the next Mustang is going in.

I like it.

Just wait, it will eventually get bigger.

I don't want everything else, I just want the engine. Boo. I live in Manhattan and don't have a car in the city so maybe my opinion doesn't matter, but still, booo!

Is a Porsche Spyder really that small? It looks like a kid's pedal car!