
Where did he get the fireproof leaves lining the tunnel for that shot?...

I bet you this person existed months ago...

You know, I liked MI3 :-/

Eh, Chipotle is what you make of it. If you cover your burrito is cheese, every salsa, and guac, sure it'll have a million calories and salt out the ass. If you stick to the basics, how can you go wrong with rice/beans/meat?

Ooohh, look at me, I live in SF where we have places with better burritos than Chipotle! Well guess what? Everyone who doesn't live in SF... doesn't live in SF and doesn't have access to your marvelous Mission burritos (though if I'm honest, I like the ones at Dos Toros in NYC better than the ones in the Mission,

The original facebook website allowed you to friend people, but was primarily for looking up people from class, just like a real face-book. Anyone that went to the same college as someone else saw all the information about them. They were little self contained online catalogs where you could find out who was in your

The precursor to facebook were actual face-books... you know, the physical books they handed out to all the college freshmen with everyone's face in them and basic info about them?

Sounds like someone went to Alidoro...

Yes, because it's not easy to make a website with a "design" and "reserve" button. Oh, wait, yes it is. Let me know when someone actually gets one delivered, and it has an EPA rating on the window.

Is this a joke? Seriously? It's like a transportation design senior project gone wrong...

Yes... Tesla's car goes "3x the amount of any other electric" except it doesn't exist, and it won't. Remember when the Volt got 250mpg equivalent? And then it didn't? They talk up all these specs but I don't believe them until I see them.

Why is it so surprised?

Good point. I think that was sort of the philosophy behind the MR2. Too bad they stopped making those. There is always the faint dream that the Alpha 4C will be remotely affordable...

If anyone could afford it, it would lose its "cool factor." They are cool because they are exclusive. They have 700hp so that the owners can say "my car has 700hp" That's it.

When I see an R8 I think "that guy likes cars." When I see a Lambo I think "that guy's a douche."

Do you know why everyone is doing that? There must be some reason for it :-/

"PUKE ENERGY"? Poor font choice...

Fine, clear on both sides of the panels ;-)

Give it a coat of clear so it doesn't rust any more and drive it like that. Love it.

Sorry, should have had a /s on there. I was just playing along with the "wait, there are places outside of manhattan?" attitude.