
Well, it seems you're right. I just checked, and I didn't realize the AWD only came with the CVT. That does suck. I do like how it looks but I agree it's polarizing (I think polarizing is good, even if I don't like it, as it's much better than "bland" which most people "like" but no one loves).

AWD, small, turbocharged, 6 speed manual, fairly cheap, fits 4 adults, not obnoxiously heavy... what's not to like?

I'm not going to lie, I really like this thing.

Well, at least it's tall enough that it doesn't obstruct your view...

Since when do hipsters own cars? And if they did, a scion wouldn't be nearly ironic enough.

Maybe if it were chrome...

Everyone here is flipping out about how loud music is bad, blah blah blah, but there is one really good point here:

I think the problem is the way in which it's attached... bungee cords, screws, etc.

"I don't think anyone at lotus has ever argued that regulation changes is why our cars have become more heavy" is what the CEO said:

Agreed... if they weren't also killing the light-weight no-compromise sportscar and replacing it with a model that is 25% heavier...

However, if you watch past videos and interviews, Lotus admits the weight gain is NOT for safety, but rather for extra luxury crap that shouldn't be in a sports car to begin with.

Yes but you also said "nobody else makes it" which is what I was referring to.



The biggest problem here, is that it still only fits THREE people in the back. What the hell guys? Groups are generally even numbers; 2, 4, etc. The biggest problem with cabs is going out in groups, and now we'll STILL have that problem. The Karsan was ugly, but it was different, futuristic, and actually fit 4 in

Agreed. It's an awesome car too, I wouldn't mind an Abarth...

HA! Are you kidding? Labor costs for assembly in the US are much higher than Asia. Sure, US manufacturing is great, but to get the same quality as Chinese products you need to pay more. If you then pay even more, you can do a lot better than what China can do. The fact of the matter is China pays their employees

As a practicing mechanical engineer, I can't believe this. What a disgrace. There are what, 2 girls for every 20 guys in mechanical engineering? And then one of them poses with a car and you suspend the whole team? Wow. Just, wow.

This happens to me ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Are you using blog view? It cross posts the cross-posts and I want to kill it.