I know they stated no new playable characters, BUT I would love to see gaige and the others return as playable characters in borderlands 3.
I know they stated no new playable characters, BUT I would love to see gaige and the others return as playable characters in borderlands 3.
You forgot the Teva sleeping bag shoes on your list. Easily the most comfortable shoe I own and destroys the glerups boot in value and comfort.
You forgot the Teva sleeping bag shoes on your list. Easily the most comfortable shoe I own and destroys the glerups…
I guess Kojima wasn’t showing up.
Whether E3 is dying or not, less Keighley always seems like a good thing...
“Thankfully, it’s 2020 and there are a ton of romantic, sexy af options from brands that don’t rely on promoting a diamond-studded push-up bra worn by a supermodel to sell their wares.”
“Thankfully, it’s 2020 and there are a ton of romantic, sexy af options from brands that don’t rely on promoting a…
you guys putting a gemini man clip in here tells me everything I need to know about the garbage list.
Honestly I was underwhelmed by all of these. Like nothing stood out. Which is weird considering that there are 2 new powerful new consoles coming.
In a rational world that valued outcome as much as intent, this would be greeted as the equivalent of shouting “Heil Hitler”. I don’t care how “well intentioned” you think communism is “on paper”, it’s a genocidal weapon of mass economic and spiritual destruction. That said, there is a 99% possibility that the leftist…
she had sex with those under her...thus..no consent be given..thus...rape...
as for the photo..us copyright law..whoever takes the photo..owns it...and can do what they wish with it.
She violated house ethic rules...had an affair.....
this all stuff you would want a republican/male crucified for
Everyone is freaking out about all the nerf’s when all you have to do is play offline. you get more XP, the nerf’s don’t take effect and the bosses you want to farm drop way more legendaries. this is the same thing gearbox pulled with borderlands 2 that made a lot of players quit playing the game. they need to learn…
I’ll never understand nerfing in a single player or co-op games...
I wish that was an excuse for me, but I run Destiny 2 off an external SSD, so menu issues are almost completely not a thing. Side note: if you don’t run Destiny off an SSD... you should really run Destiny off an SSD.
She’s treating it as a costume, to look like a fictional character she likes as accurate as possible, not to mock people of a race or do a goddamn minstrel show, this is all so incredibly dumb...
Besides playing with friends, I don’t know why anyone is still playing this game online when you can get 3 to 5 legendary drops per run on graveward by simply playing offline. If you are looking for easy farming, offline is the way to do it.
I don’t think anyone could have said it better then this. I loved the early monster hunter games but kind of grew away from them. I tried picking up MHW and getting back into it but it never clicked and I felt like I wasted a bunch of money. With BL3 out in 2 weeks and everything else coming There is no reason for me…
Even with the huge list of QoF changes World brought to the table to help finally crack the western market. Mon Hun is not a game for everyone. If you don’t like a game made up of boss fights, or fighting the same monster over and over to not only get rare drops, but to learn how to read them and avoid getting carted,…
So basically what this and the PS4 list basically says is: It’s not really going to matter which you buy in the next 6 months, neither have stellar exclusives to warrant a top pick. Instead focus on side features of each.
If you don’t have time, why would you read news that a) isn’t even about games(kotaku got cut off, boohoo) and b) games that haven’t even been announced yet? rofl..
If you’re pissing off large developers and getting access to them cut off, are you really serving your readers? Or are you sacrificing long-term relationships for a short-term boost to page hits?
Sure, it’s news. Sure, readers will want to know. But sometimes discretion is the better part of valor...and sometimes…
I don’t know. This seems so bitchy. If you pissed them off, great. Part of reporting is pissing people off and losing access. It’s part of the game. It’s unseemly to bitch about it like a little bitchy bitch.