Snow Dog

Has not so far. But I have only been doing it since 1999.

Also, always make the subject line “LISTEN HERE FUCKO” so they know they need to pay attention to what you’re saying.

So um....phones don’t work from Miami to Cleveland?

Add a follow-up option on the email if you are using Outlook.

Absolutely. And if you work remotely from one another, Naysayers, most of us have access to a helpful device called a telephone.

If Josh is in Cleveland, then you call him. Email is an extremely passive method of communication.

The CYA factor is *extremely* important. I can’t tell you how many times an old email I hung on to has saved my ass or the ass of someone else in my company. As a government contractor, we deal with many levels of communication. Everything needs to be in writing. You never know who will throw you under the bus to take

Seriously. How can people get away with ignoring emails and doing their job? If one of my guys ignored my emails like this they’d be written up in no time. I don’t have time to chase down every single task my team needs to accomplish.

That’s not a harmonica. In other times, other realms, yes it might be. But in this case, it is a blunt skin scraper and wind measurer. As you launch the (harmonica) at your enemy, the air will pass through it, giving you a proper indication of your enemy’s immediate aura. From this noise, you will know if their aura

I studied the blade while they all were sleeping...

The Browns have yet to purchase any as the team prefers to just shit on the field.

Eli Manning is now demanding a sideline fort of his own.

My cayenne turbo doesn’t have leather AC vents.... now that I know this is an option I can’t look at the car the same way 😞

What if it works, though? What if the corporate and finance sectors are so happy to have a pro-business guy in there that stocks surge and companies start expanding?

Depends on who you voted for. I voted Hillary and actually enjoyed this article, even if it’s not satirical. It’s a good balance to this site and all of the other Post-Gawker sites.

Awesome article. I bought an ozark trail dome tent 15 years ago when I was first in the boy scouts. I still use it to this day. Best $29.87 I ever spent.

Hell yeah! You never have any idea how useful a machete can be... until you have one with you at all times.

Um, where are you shopping that a multitool is $100-$300? Sure, good ones run $60-$70, but my quick phone-based search of Amazon put only one over $100 ($126). Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places.


Looks like she wrote "My crush," then erased it and went with gymnastics.