Snow Dog

Also, chicken fingers aren’t “kid food,” Jill. They’re delicious and they’re for all of us.

What about parents of normal kids (or non-parents for that matter) to parents of kids that are assholes?

I also suddenly have a little crush on Claire... don’t let Mrs Snowdog find out...

We made a rule for the Snow Pups that a blanket “I don’t like this” isn’t an OK response. It’s fine to dislike something, but making them explain why they didn’t like it resulted in kids that were more willing to try different foods, and were able to discuss alternatives reasonably.

Well, you really need to do your homework about HOA fees, regardless. $70/year is ridiculously low compared to anything around where we live...

Sure, I mean my wife yells at me every morning for free...


I let them scavenge for the Cheerios they threw on the floor at breakfast.  If they can beat the dog to them, they can have them

I don’t need these clues. Mrs Snowdog tells me I’m an asshole all the time.

Again, usually there’s something driving that decision -- some controversy, unpopular policy change, ... something.  It’s weird to get an out-of-the-blue “hey, that service that works great for everyone? Here are some replacements that don’t work quite as well” article.

Yep, the article missed the most important detail... Why should I want to abandon Goodreads?

That’s why I’m very clear in my discussions. If I think someone’s too dumb to follow along, I use smaller words and simpler grammar.

I buy frozen chopped onion and frozen peppers & onions all the time. They keep for ever in the freezer, they’re ready to go into the cook pot immediately whenever you need them, and your hands don’t smell like onions when you’re done using them.

They could, but why would they when people are paying what they’re asking?

You’re a saint for putting up with him.

Dude forgets the most important thing... When is the task due?

I see that all the time with my sons and the youth I work with in Boy Scouts (not to mention many of their parents).  I ask them “If you can only finish ONE THING today, what should it be?” and get deer-in-the-headlight stares.

Ehh... I just tell by dishwasher to shower every evening.

Why didn’t you ask yourself that before writing this post? I think we can all agree we’d be in a better mood.

Yep, it’s a far cry from the days of Gina Trapani, Whiston Gordon, and Alan Henry. It’s just been circling the drain since Univision bought out GMG.