Snow Dog

Really depends on your shoe size.

Yep, they’re busy talking about the decorations in the email, not the substance. If I send one out that says “Please send me the YTD expenditures by the end of the day on Friday”, it’s totally clear, whether I sign off “Thanks in advance”, “Merci boucoup, mon ami”, or “Do it or die, fukker”...

I think you hit the nail on the head in your first sentence. I think this movie is getting Academy attention because it’s about the Academy’s favorite subject — (attractive white) actors living in LA.

Sorry bout that. . . Mrs. Snow Dog scored free tix to it a few weeks ago. Still not worth the price of admission in my opinion...

Well, that all depends on who exactly the people are, doesn’t it?

Technically, I think the stringed instrument is also a French word...

That only works well if your phone ringer is turned on, though, since it’s just calling your phone...

Todoist and any.do both have Alexa skills. Activate them in the Alexa app, and they’ll replace the built-in to do list and shopping list.

Yep. A cross-platform webapp is a no-brainer.

What was that? I couldn’t hear you. I SAID I COULDN’T HEAR YOU! DAMNED INTERCOM SPEAKER...

Fun fact: The last time I traveled through O’Hare, I actually could have driven 800 miles in the time I spent in various lines...

Would not want it at all. Right now — at least where I work — being contacted after hours once in a while is a legit price to pay for being able to come and go as I please the rest of the time. At the same time, I rarely get contacted after hours. Doing something like this would result in losing the ability to come

That’s nice, if you have a job where you can essentially take a day off every week to do random stuff... But for most people — especially those of us that work in an office, kicking back every Friday morning to read books, or bugging out for long lunch breaks every week won’t endear you to your boss or your

Honestly, I expected more Chryslers on the list. Of course, my friends in Auburn Hills are probably celebrating because they only have four entries on this list — the last time I saw one of these, they had seven of the worst ten cars...

On the other hand, they might be micromanaging you because you suck at your job. . .

What about “superfund site”, “Native American burial ground”, or “crime scene”? Are those no-no’s, or only if I describe them as “gorgeous superfund site”, “luxurious Native American burial ground”, or “cozy crime sce

I do the same thing to screw with our IT guys. We had a rash of viruses a few months ago when someone opened a suspicious email attachment. I grabbed a screen cap with the virus message displayed, and use that as my background whenever I call in a support ticket.

Here’s my personal experience — I know it’s anecdotal, but...

Now that is a totally Michigan response right there, folks. People around here are obsessed with every little metric, trying vainly to hide the elephant in the room.