
Yes.  It’s not that hard.

I can think of one posiitive from this ‘feature.’  Dad’s cigarette ashes wouldn’t blow back into your face on the highway.

Having a $1B of net worth doesn’t mean you have $1B in cash you can readily spend. My net worth is somewhere around $750k, but to have even 10% of it spendable, I’d need to sell my house.

I drive for Door Dash/Uber Eats/Grubhub, but only on weekends. I keep a spreadsheet to give an estimate of my expenses and taxes due. I track my mileage with an app I suspect is not particularly accurate. Below is what my spreadsheet tell me my earnings and approximate self-employment taxes are. I should add that I

Pretty much anything Star Wars is a license to print money.  Excuse me,. while I collect more of that printed money from my employer.

In many jurisdictions, emergency vehicles such as fire trucks don’t require license plates.

What do you mean by “mandatory LHD Headlghts?”  Are the headlights on the RHD model somehow different?

If it’s on the Maroney sticker, it’s PART OF THE CAR.  It’s not something that should be removable without it being disclosed.

I said “most.” We still had children working in coal mines back then, and And that rate of pay came with conditions, such as not allowing your wife to work outside the home, not drink or gamble, and many other caveats. And it benefited Ford because they had a high turnover due to the work being done. They saved more

The shuttle model should be larger, since many of the ISS modules were delivered via the cargo bay.

Everyone absolutely can be as picky as me.  Everyone can make it work.  If enough people reject the low-paying orders, it will force the payments up.

Prior to 2018, you could deduct those expenses as an employee if your employer wasn’t reimbursing you at least the IRS rate, but then you’d need to exceed the standard deduction for it to count.
Many people replying seem to be under the impression that my business expenses need to reach a certain threshold to be

Not lucky, smart. I manage this by being picky with the orders I take. Generally, nothing that offers pay less than $1 per mile driven, with exceptions if I took a large order that took me out of my regular area, or is on my way home. Nothing under $5, no matter the distance (I’ll make an exception now and then;

In this case, it’s just the one. All new cars have ‘teething issues’ when they’re put into regular use, but Bombardier’s issues seem to be systemic through their production, with issues with cars they built for Toronto and San Francisco as well.  Most of the modern cars NYCT has in service were built by Kawasaki.

You’re not tracking those expenses to meet the standard deduction; you’re tracking those expenses to deduct against BUSINESS income.  You get to make those deductions BEFORE you report your income for federal income taxes.

Exactly. Need to pick and choose the orders you take in this gig. Of course, the companies try to make it harder by asking you to keep your ‘acceptance rate’ up in order to get more lucrative orders, or to get perks like access to early scheduling. In some zones, if you can’t get access to early scheduling, you’re not

When I started doing this I don’t think I came anywhere close $18/hr, I took almost every order, getting paid shit.  On the plus side, I had a full-time consulting job a few years ago, so I knew going in what records I needed to keep for taxes.

All labor is cheap labor. Most businesses aren’t going to pay a living wage on their own, because their owners want to make as much money as they can for themselves.

That’s fantastic.  I’ve gotten tips that exceeded the order amount before, but never on such a huge scale; usually it’s a $5 tip on a $4/4 Wendy’s order, or $5 on a milkshake from McDonalds.  10%-15% is about average here.  There are the occasional larger tips that are 20% or better, particularly in the summer when

No, I don’t think it’s feasible full-time. I only work weekends, and even then, only peak weekend times (dinner hours and late nights Saturday, football times on Sunday). Unless you get a lot of catering runs, which pay $25-$50 or more per delivery all by themselves, there’s no way this is cost-effective against a