Never Fear, I think someone wll save us:
Never Fear, I think someone wll save us:
Oh, so its the Stance Nation of the MRAP world.
Had a Aerostar with the sloping front end, seemed to heat up the van on long sunny drives. more then normal van window. Econoline 350 and the dreaded NV 2000 HD.
Whats the motto of this site? Drive Free or Die. Did someone change it?
Thank You very much!!!!
Sean? Generalizations do not a good writer make. You wrote an article about Bad people on Motorbikes reinforcing stereotypes, then Infer that all Cops are Scumbags waitng to bust loose. (Yes, I have sand you know where because I hate generalizations on the Internet and I was Military Police.) So I’m loving all the…
You would spend a couple thousand on a bike, but not on yourself? The road does hurt. I would determine what bike I want and buy safty gear to match it.
Maybe we can get these to visit, except they don’t like classic French Cars.
Hmm, I'll disagree on this one. But remember its in style to insult instead of state your opinion on the internet.
Thank You for the work. Through the Looking Glass at Jalop.
Hmm. Miles Per Gallon? Commercial applications like a useable cargo bed, (7 or 8ft). ? I'm in California blocked by snow sometimes, Non Bro 4 x 4? Any other models getting engine?
Jason: Perhaps you need to hang out with different people. You cover Assholes because thats more popular then Regular Guys doing Good Things. Sorta Sad butt,(IN MY OPINION), we haven't progressed much past the Roman Colliseium Spectators.
Nice a burner account, How Brave.
Where’s the Plane taking Y’all to Iraq. Will you be taking Army weapons to Kick Ass or your own? (All those who want other people to kick sombodies Ass for Them.)
Are the VA workers in Jail for neglecting the 6 Vets who died? “Steps off Soapbox”. Forgive me if my outrage is tempered by the Publics lack of reaction to the Criminally Negligent behavior of Federal CIVILIAN employees.
Thanks or the Information. How about going to the Horses Mouth about what the Military can do or should do? Maybe retired like someone with a name that rhymes with Sodden Towel?
Hmm a Bus Driver at a Park and Ride. Bus has Wifi to sign in so even if you stuck in traffic you can use a lap top to connect to whatever during the traffic Jam. Doesn’t Google have Shuttle Buses?
I like the part about what to do when thingd come undone