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I was quoting someone else about the traffic laws and motorcycles. He didn't acknowledge people die in some of these accidents. Motorcyclists just don't hurt themselves sometimes.
They have killed people already(Russia). The Military is ill-suited for ill-defined peacekeeping missions. You can’t arrest another jet. Can’t subdue another Jet. Russian pilots won’t get a warm welcome back at base if they don’t follow orders. I hear Siberia is a Grrrreat vacation spot.
“What do you call a man with an arm inside a Horse?”
Thank You. Nice read. As for the Russians Head.... I'll show myself out
Thanks for the story. I feared the whole program would have gone:
Need to make it Hurt. Need to really affect the decision makers in the wallet.
Thank You for this. Nice post. Have some 90’s music to cruise down the road.(Gotta keep the ponies happy!)
This is going to sound a little libertarian, but traffic laws shouldn’t apply to motorcycles. Motorcyclists have a strong incentive to avoid collisions, probably stronger than any feeling they have to follow the law, and we should defer to their personal judgement of how they want to get around.
The one I have. Slowly crawling up the Automotive mountain. Must Auto X or Rally X until I’m with this Gal:
Do they stay up there or burn up at re-entry? I would hate to Be, “That Guy”!
Hmm ever driven a Veyron like you should? 200+mph?
You just need to be consistent, can’t flip back and forth. Gotta stick to your guns.
Nice post.
Well, we already know the Manual Queen was a keeper. Hope Y’all are doing well. Nice video. Spaz approved.
Spaz’s Money vs. smogged,not ready for rollin’ down the road three on the tree. ( Three on the Tree = No power like earlier V-8’s, same MPG’s)
They also pulled over a stock Midget for the lights being too low, among other things. Hmmm, fuck it until they roll over my rights. They change and work on their cars. I say take it to the OCPD.