
Sage steele was black and the protesters were Muslim, the lefties don’t know who’s side to choose!

Can you hate someone just because of their face?

Quit your bellyaching it’s getting you nowhere

My brothers did not serve this country so that some piss ant could come along and steal my freedom of speech. I’ll say whatever I god damn please you worthless bag of blood.

At least trump is trying to stop radical Islamic terrorists. All these people who are protesting need to

Welcome to Tennessee

I hope there aren’t any steps

Wow she reacted pretty severely when someone hit her with an egg. What would she do if someone grabbed her by the pussy?

Patriots are a disgrace to the NFL. First there was spygate, deflategate, headset issues and hmmm, a fire alarm was was pulled the night before the accident championship. I hope Atalanta breaks Brady’s legs

Who let this pussy in the conversation? I’ll say whatever I want about this dickhead. He was probably driving triple digit speed like his fastball.

I didn’t care for the way he acted as a player but still, hate to see this

This was such a BULLSHIT penalty.

Come on AB

Danger: standing up to the steelers defense may result in serious injury or death. Proceed with EXTREME caution

It’s redicoulous that woman believe they can slap men with no repercussion.

Oh well he heard “racial slurs”. I guess that’s a pass to do anything you like

This guy has giant juevos

Lancer, youre absolutely right screw those greedy bastards. What kind of employee asks for 8 hour days? 16 is fair and of course no overtime. Also only lazy people would ask for Saturday and Sunday off. Let’s go back to working 7 days a week for shit wages. Since one male can’t afford to take care of his family on

Look I could write all day about this. Unions are SUPPOSED to fight for a better standard of living. here’s a few things that union labor fought and died for that we take for granted;

Porter has been a trouble maker since he got in the league so this is no surprise: he was one hell of a line backer though