Sparky Polastry


I just saw that he has never voted in a presidential election in his life.

Update: Peters has pulled ahead with mostly Detroit votes left, so his seat may be safe. But that’s only 48.

I still can’t believe the ego it takes to run in an election with no plan, no ideas, no reason except to sate their own ego.


She’s like a siren for Democratic Senate campaign efforts, luring them in with the hopes of replacing her with a Democrat only to be dashed upon the rocks of incumbency.

I have nothing left but this gif.

Isn’t it perfect that the senator who cowardly wrings her hands while coddling Trump was voted in by voters who cowardly coddle her for her complicity. The decency grift lives on. 

Thing is, Biden took Maine by 9.

This is so important. Here in Cali, we have two measures that look good on paper (funding for stem cell research and elimination of cash bail), until you do a bit of research.

The truest thing I’ve ever heard said about Phil Collins is he always looks like someone just handed him a microphone and shot him in the ass.

4. Another Day in MiamiDade

Alternate sign-offs:

now you know he was probably coloring by numbers or tweeting his every imbecilic thought during the whole meeting.

I mean, it’s not like he was paying attention to the briefing before he did this, right?

But the council is called the “National Hot Dog and Sausage Council.” They apparently hold hot dogs in a separate category.

I spit diet cola on my monitor just now. Thank you Kevin. I’ll send the bill to Dollar Tree or Hot Topic or Aldi or whoever owns Gizmodo now...

EM: What do you call it if it’s on a bun? It’s a hot dog, right? What do you call it if it’s not on a bun? It’s still a hot dog.

“Honey, will you throw some hot dog links on the grill?”