True - when he and Tackleberry get drinks at the Blue Oyster, hilarity ensues every time!
True - when he and Tackleberry get drinks at the Blue Oyster, hilarity ensues every time!
He’s really starting to come out of his Cocoon and contribute to society.
Maybe that driver was sick with the flugtag or something. Prolly needs a red bull.
That driver just wanted to pier over the edge and see what was down there.
Gonna be tough to find any yield soon when they cut rates again.
That guy was Audi 5000...
Will it get me to the top of Mt. Everest?
(Bows, maintaining eye contact)
Exact same for me - all-time top 10, seen infinite times, love every minute of it starting with the fucking Bimmer salesman on the phone..”The smell is making you sick? It’s a normal smell...from a protective coating” (Hangs up, looks at Daniel) “Hey, you look GREAT! Have you lost weight?”
You like-ah steaks?
The best are the threads starting about something innocuous like a street being repaved, and how the people on a particular street can’t make their usual left turn because the road’s closed. “Couldn’t they just keep one lane open? Going an extra block then turning left twice - which is once more than normal - just…
The ranting/arguing on Nextdoor here is very, very low-level shitposting. Not low-effort; but low-IQ. It’s what I would imagine witnessing the cast members from Cocoon trying to participate/comment/rant/troll for their very first time at age 80.
Fuck, what a loss. A true national treasure. RIP Rip.
Right? Nextdoor is great if your dog gets out, or you need a local repair-person referral, etc. but it’s mostly people starting a thread about airplanes being loud before it devolves into the worst, low-level batshit internet argument I’ve ever seen. Crazy, irrational things get said by somebody using their real name…
I was thinking it the whole time...
Zipper bags are illegal? Like quart/gallon freezer and sandwich bags? Is this a particular US state, or a national law in a country that isn’t the hellhole wasteland US? I cannot believe I’ve never heard of this...
Don’t do it!