
very curious as to how this does at the box office. feels like it’s being dumped (though i’ve definitely seen ads all year), but advertising is so laser-targeted these days it’s possible that a 38 year old man just isn’t getting advertised a disney kids movie. in no rush to have his final film premiere on somebody’s phone while they’re on the toilet.

Especially since BRAD FREAKING PITT is a producer!

It just, in a nutshell, feels very strange for Hollywood to create an Oscar bait movie out of this. It’s like patting themselves on the back for a problem they pointedly did not solve. Maybe the intent was a mea culpa, but if not, this is about twenty years too soon. Weinstein’s presence is still all over Hollywood. 

Meanwhile the white supremacists who really control everything just sit back and watch the marginalized groups fight each other.

I think Chappelle’s act is completely authentic and true to his personal worldview, which is that being a Black man in America is the ne plus ultra of oppression, and therefore anybody else claiming victimhood needs to be told why they aren’t as disadvantaged or marginalized as himself. The kind of sad thing about his

It’s almost like there’s a contingent of vocal Twitter activists who are ready to condemn any and everything he says based not on the content of his material but because he said something they didn’t like about transgender people months ago?

He didn’t say Jewish people control Hollywood, he said he could understand why some people might think that. “There’s also a lot of Black people in Ferguson, Missouri, but that don’t mean they run the place.”

I’ll throw out another name, if they ever recast the role: Toheeb Jimoh from Ted Lasso. He’s ludicrously charming and has real screen presence and I would love to see him get a big blockbuster role.

michael b jordan will be black panther in a few years after they clear up the multiverse stuff. they’re having their cake and eating it too.

I haven’t signed onto Kinja in weeks but I had to after reading your post cause it brought me so much joy I needed to tell you. 

I just disagree. Boseman was a screen icon possessed of unusual charisma and grace, and this was widely recognized before his passing. There’s a reason Boseman is the first unsnapped face we see walking through the portal in Endgame. People aren’t just grading him up as a performer because he died young. With respect

The big thing is he became an icon in the black community and it blew up way beyond just him being a comic character. 

A gimmick commentor? In this economy?

Audiences will delight as this panther of a movie slinks through the night! Take note, Blake Edwards, this is how you make a sequel after a star has passed. Coogler doesn’t need to resort to deleted scenes to make this kitty purr! Although the missus’ wouldn’t shut up about her confusion of Angela Basset/Shirley

You mean Jake, right?

Also the real Chicken Man got blown up years ago:

I liked the first season a lot, but the second was a complete and utter nonsense, and I didn’t even bother with the last two seasons. I heard they were even more nonsensical. It’s another mystery box kind of show that where the creators thought they were much smarter than they actually were.

“Then everyone died. Humans, hosts, disembodied AI consciousnesses. Everyone. Don’t make robots.”