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We were lucky to have him as long as we did — he was in-between meals:

McDowell’s Employee of the Month.

Nobody wants this.

The palpable boredom of Batfleck is truly a sight to behold.

He’s an unspeakable cad of the highest order!

Ehh... I agree that his infidelity, using feminism as a shield, and inappropriate workplace romances weren’t what sank his career, but it’s not like there isn’t an element of using his power over women in the workplace to his own advantage, no matter how much he insists he was “powerless.”

Ladies and gentlemen, this man is for the birds!

Slight correction, and I think this is where the article itself failed a bit, Whedon wasn’t MeToo’d. That wasn’t at all what sank his career and really the only reason he was so vulnerable to the allegations was because his career was at that point dependent on a certain perception of him as a person that the

I’m surprised there’s no mention of Hosoda’s earlier work on the Digimon films, or Summer Wars, both of which seem like direct antecedents to Belle in terms of setting and theme. Regardless, I’m very interested in checking this out, and I’ll have to go back and get to Mirai.

Bale is the best Bruce Wayne ever.

I hope he didn’t compound his misery by watching it too.

It’s quite the blessing, isn’t it? She was literally flirting with Ryan Reynolds just a day ago. Smart and  funny as hell right until the very end.

As sad as this is, I’m glad she never seemed to enter a period of prolonged and extreme decline like so many people her age do. She lived long and died quickly, and that’s basically the dream.

I’m absurdly grateful to this feud for continuing to exist. Hollywood could stand a few more old-fashioned cat fights.

We're just a moon of the Sun.

The problem wasn’t with where things ended up, it was with how they ended up there.

This is some deeply delusional shit