More the name - the first couple of times I ever listened to the podcast, when they advertised the more comedy based Lovett or leave it, I thought it was a Jon Lovitz show. Thankfully it wasn’t.
More the name - the first couple of times I ever listened to the podcast, when they advertised the more comedy based Lovett or leave it, I thought it was a Jon Lovitz show. Thankfully it wasn’t.
You didn’t actually think of Jon Lovitz?
Yea, as Jon Lovett eloquently put it: the problem with working at the White House is that you are surrounded by the kind of people who would take a job in this White House.
Waiting until we have a turnover in President. Also, it seems like John Kelly is about to resign too. I would call the WH a dumpster fire but that would be an insult to dumpster fires.
It makes sense. I work in communications in a media/public relations capacity in the public sector. I’ve been fortunate and done some good work in my career and have managed to ascend up the ranks in my field. Being White House press secretary would essentially be the mountain top, and if I were offered that job…
Is this the same guy who posts a picture of his dog every day, as some sort of love-me symbol? ‘Cause I won’t lie, that’s annoying as fuck. There. I said what I said.
Trump’s budget proposal for 2019 adds $7 trillion to the deficit and eliminates the Corporation for Public Broadcasting,
Mortal Dictata: a call out
Something has to be done about these insurance companies and their idiotic decisions. I am not infertile, but I was told not to get pregnant because I have a host of medical problems that would likely kill me and the baby (lupus, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease). I also have spina bifida, so even if…
Pre ACA, I was denied insurance as a healthy woman in my mid-20s because I had gotten a pap smear (with perfectly normal, healthy results) the year before. You know, the (at the time) annually recommended cancer screening every adult woman is supposed to get. I appealed, pointing out that it made literally no sense to…
I am a boring middle aged librarian. I worked mostly with other boring middle aged librarians in a downtown public library branch with a sizeable homeless population. One day, an argument erupted over a seat in the reading room, and one patron stabbed another. A boring middle aged librarian saved the man’s life by…
you have to wonder if this ignorance is plain willful.
Quads are overrated. At some point the men’s competition will just be dudes skating in circles attempting 8 quads per routine. Boring.
The extent of my understanding of competitive skating comes from the Fox Family channel film Ice Angel, in which a…
every time he tweets JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! i say it to the tune of GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS!
Hate to disagree with you, but I’m certain Vladimir Putin reads ALL the Daily Intelligence Briefings.
Unlike the seven presidents who came before him, Donald Trump does not read
Hooked On Phonics is a helluva program.
To be honest I’m still surprised Trump can even read.