
I really want it to be more ok for people to discuss their salaries. People are so money-squeemish. Having it instilled in us that talking about pay is uncouth has only hurt us. But keeping pay secret only helps employers, for the rest of us it’s powerful information.

1. What is SNL going to do when McKinnon leaves?

She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Just here for the comments:

It’s probably cathartic for him to be able to throw out the colors he doesn’t like.

I’ve never had lemonade Girl Scout cookies but I ordered some today and I can’t wait!

Yes!! I have long been a lemon fan and defender and this is the vindication I needed for all these years.

That is some quality parenting right there.

I’m so happy to see some lemon defenders here! Best Starburst. And second best is strawberry and lemon squished together.

Y’all remember the NYT story about Obama eating almonds and reading briefing books for five hours every night?

Y’all remember the NYT story about Obama eating almonds and reading briefing books for five hours every night?

A government employee, a congressional staffer, was required to sort the candies for this disgusting ass-kissing stunt. From the Post article:

Lemon is the best Starbust.

You can buy 45 with Starburst.

You’re just saying that because the green one is the female M&M, male M&Ms matter too. /s

Fake news!

I think I’ll start introducing myself as “Dar a Luz, Gender Equality Twat”

Prince Philip probably agrees with her. Just sayin.

Markle’s “seed” will “taint our royal family,” and that “[t]his is Britain, not Africa.”