She used Comic Sans?
She used Comic Sans?
Yeah, I know it’s not a big issue, but I couldn’t help thinking about why they needed to waste all that paper.
I’m sure all of those pages are blank and Trump will just throw them out. He won’t even bother to recycle it either.
Heh, you’re right! I think they’ll keep paying her until January 20th, but told her to take her shit and split.
Let us have a moment of silence for the trees that were needlessly sacrificed for this man’s showboating.
This is brilliant. Everyone knows that the best way to let people know that the government has grown too large and much of it is unnecessary and wasteful and really hammer home the point that you are different—that you are not big and unnecessary and wasteful—is to print more than 200,000 sheets of paper to use as a…
“Omarosa has disputed that she was fired—although the Secret Service has confirmed that it deactivated her security pass”
Children are so much easier to teach than grown men.
WHY don’t their PR teams coach these idiots on what to say? Disney coached their child stars extensively on how to avoid sticky topics and what to say about things that had to be discussed. Surely Disney doesn’t employ the only competent PR team on the planet, so why do these men keep trying to discuss something they…
Two losses for the price of one! Delicious.
A Senate seat which he himself caused to become vacant! Is this the winning he was schreeching on about?
The deck wasn’t stacked against him, the truth was.
He supposedly went to Penn, and can’t spell a five letter word. When tweeting as POTUS.
Most of them have no pride or dignity and will keep taking it.
As is often the case, I really don’t have anything productive or informative to say. I just found an all-purpose gif of Symone Sanders from last night that I think many of you women will find very useful in future debates with Deadspin commentators:
If you want to know how much last night’s vote mattered witness how quickly Republicans scrambled to get everything Susan Collins wants back into their tax plan.
It’s actually quite remarkable: he managed to endorse two losing candidates for the same Senate seat!
This fucking greasy knob and his inability to understand that anything said on the internet lives forever and is easily verifiable.
In its third-quarter results, released at the beginning of this month, The New York Times Company (NYSE:NYT) reported a 14% increase in overall subscription revenue, which was propelled by a nearly 60% rise in digital-only subscribers over the prior-year quarter. It’s no secret that surging interest in the Times’…