
I get WAY more attention from the ladies in my Avalon than I ever did in my 328i. I mean, admittedly its more “Hey can you take me to CVS” than “Netflix and chill” but still, statistically a sexier car than a BMW. It’s science, you can’t argue with that.

I can vouch for this. My 2013 rips them loose on hot days with the tires already warmed up.

Cars and Coffee on a rainy Saturday? Basically a Mustang demolition derby. Welcome to Charleston, hope to see you at C&C!

Obbligatory “That’ll buff right out” comment.

OBVIOUSLY you should test the greatest modern automobile ever made: The current generation Toyota Avalon. Yuuuuge backseat for those rear-facing carseats kids have to ride around in until their college-age, giant trunk that can fit a BOB running stroller and multitudes of leftover trash from the front of the car, and

Nothing quite captures the joy of the laughter of 7 children as they lose their collective minds watching that Aston Martin spew chunks of rear differential all over the road while that Honda Odyssey trucks on for another 300k Cheetoh-stained miles.


Tapas Gear

Yeah, I get the idea of selling it once the warranty is over, but this thing has power windows! Kinda hard to give that up.

Step 1: Buy bike
Step 2: Drive bike to Portland
Step 3: Sell bike to hipster for twice the asking price
Step 4: Profit

Good gravy folks, take a breather. I’m pretty sure Mortal Dictata didn’t post here to start the re-colonization of Murica.

But since he is here:

24 Hours of Le MANS? Based off the video I have to say the teams have REALLY reduced their budgets.

Does this mean that when the Karma does return, it will be called a Karma Karma? Surely not.